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Rezero 1x18.mp4



if i hear the dude on the left say "stronger" 1 more damn time im gonna lose my mind


Regardless, the purpose of what I was trying to say was that he was not trying in general. Which he admitted was the case

Thiago Serra

He is without his magic, even if he learned how to do magic using infinite loops, he would not be able to use it. Also, he world have to become STRONGER than the white whale, who is stabilished to have killed one master swordsman, which is the position that reinhardt holds right now, the strongest guy we ever met on this show. And most important of all of that: he is using infinite loops to try different things, but his mind is broken. That's why he wanted to runaway. No one would have sanity in this context


if you were him you’d train as a knight? lmfao in the real world where you’re equal to everybody you dont even train for your own benefit fatass😂blowing smoke out your ass #johnnySucks

Idris Naama

Y'all arguing with each other and calling each other idiots was hilarious 😂 It reminded me when I would argue with my brother. Anyways thanks for this reaction! 🙏 This is the turning point!


Lol Chris is 100% right though, the Bowel Hunter aka literally the Entry opponent of Subaru was straight up fighting multiple highly experienced magic-users at once and casually blitzed Felt after she broke the sound barrier(meaning she was literally running with supersonic speed at that point), the show already made it very clear that Subaru would even if he trains for straight up 3000 days never overcome these impossible odds with force(at least not with his own force).