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LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QKGUu5iyNZ1digYuzMnfD4YNQKObMAZ2/view?usp=sharing



RNG Master

He got the armor from another soldier. He did the same trick as he did with the woman who he got his original mech from. Remember he ejected because suzaku destroyed his unit. His plan was to use an ally mech with the same signal as the Britannians to sneak past their defences and use his power to pass their security to get to the commander clovis

RNG Master

Note that in the game of chess, sacrificing your pieces is one of the main strategies to achieve the objective. It is nearly impossible to win a chess game against a competent player without losing some of your pieced along the way. (There are a few ways to do it such as scholars mate) but unless the opponent is an idiot or doesn't know how to play properly they would never fall for that. Lelouch moves his units like they're pieces in a chess game. This helps you understand his mentality a bit. He doesn't think that this whole war thing is a game at all he knows these are real people involved and lives are at stake but just like in chess, he understands that people do need to die and sacrifices have to be made sometimes to produce results.