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Mushoku Tensei 1x5.mkv



It wasn't said that Rudeus family had a lot of money. His dad is the knight of the small village they are in and he gets paid decently for having that role in protecting that village. Decently isn't enough for two tuitions to the academy rudeus wants to go to. So his own family isn't very well off in terms of money but he is better off than the other people in the village he was in due to his dads role. Just saying this now since I know this will be a thing but this entire family thing is like distant family branches I guess you could say. Eris which is the girl he is tutoring is a far distant cousin. 3rd cousin or even further. She is basically barely even related to him besides the fact she has the same Greyrat name. Pretty much no blood relation. Its best to think of this as how it was done back in the older times. Incest was sort of normal but simply having the same last name and being slightly related doesn't cut off the potential for a romance relationship. Back in the old days you could be dating your 2nd of 3rd cousin and not even know it. All in all Eris is in my opinion the main love interest even though this is a harem series. She is the main love interest for rudeus without spoiling anything but even though she has the same last name she is far enough away in the family tree she isn't blood related to him. 3rd cousin is barely even family due to the amount of people that separates you. Its just another weird thing you guys like pointing out so add it to the checklist my guys.

olle spengler

fr tho, mushokus power system is very clean and fresh and simple