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2022-02-18 11-39-52.mkv


omar gelle

awww end of a goated season, cant wait for season 5 and your videos!!


the little girl u didn't know towards the end was from like an OVA season before the spring tourney with Nekoma and they beat that guy who was explaining stuff to that girl in the crowd.

stephanie johnson

you guys prob forgot. in season 1 the karasuno vs nekoma nickname was "the battle of the garbage dump" since its cats vs crows

佐藤 蒼汰

5:54 the sub were just wrong it should be"those 2 guys who blocked that were the one we want to againtst the least" cuz hinata and kageyama knew miya twins gonna do the superquick. sry for my bad english i'm from japan.

佐藤 蒼汰

also 8:38...tukishima is talking bout "today" not train camp.... because hinata recive a power spike from aran.....