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Full length reaction: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D10zmkUUSdhcpzRmPBgSlS9JKNkG10UW/view?usp=sharing




Okay, you guys are still hung up too much about the rankings. First off, the rankings aren't based off of strength alone. Bosse was ranked 7th because the only thing he's strongest at was his personal strength. He had the potential to become number 1, but as Despa said, he didn't eventually become that. Desha was the overall number 2 and had just about everything going for him. He's personally strong, had strong subordinates and a prosperous kingdom. Yet, he's not a match against Bosse in 1v1 combat. In other words, you don't become ranked 1 by being strong alone.


The guy in the golden armor in the flash back IS Ouken. You're confused because he no longer wears a golden armor, but that was the uniform of the underworld knights. He's no longer a part of the order as he's become a criminal.


Im pretty sure the rankings are based off fighting capabilities alone. Not raw power but fighting capabilities. Its literally the one and only thing they test when deciding a ranking. King bosse may have raw strength but that doesnt mean hes as fast as other kings or something like that. But from that comment about he could of taken number 1 it means he was way more capable then me and chris first thought

Stivens Salazar

*SPOILER for this episode (in case theres people reading this who havent watched ep 16 yet* man this episode was sooo freakin good. the lightning animation was clean. so much good backstory. and i looove how they didnt just make bojji forgive domas so easily and keeping it realistic, cause, bro, if some guy ever made an attempt to kill me, it would take soooo much more than just apology lol

Stivens Salazar

*SPOILER for this episode (in case theres people reading this who havent watched ep 16 yet* also, the way ouken got out of the ropes was wild, it sounded like he broke his limbs so he could slip out of the ropes, this guy is just on another level


lol people like u always rdy to comment when theres good animation but are nowhere to be found when its garbage🤣🤣it was nice tho