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Full length Reaction Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hVmmENajDUiiFb1RJIau83xESjLOX6ho/view?usp=sharing



RNG Master

The translation that your watching isn't the greatest. When the scientist teacher says anti virus the correct translation Is antibodies. That means some people have some degree of natural immunity to the virus because they are literally built different. However, he mentioned that the virus evolves as soon as it detects that a person has anti bodies which results in a different type of virus which allows the infected to remain conscious even though they are dead. The virus works differntly in different people and they show different symptoms just like covid. Even though covid Is a new virus we have no natural immunity to some infected people show no symptoms. The reason this is so is because cells have memories like the doctor said. There are these things called reactive T cells which are part of our auto immune system and its possible for them to retain memories of fighting against similar infections previously and use that knowledge to develop antibodies for other similar infections in the future. There's a deeper scientific explanation with the specific type of hormone that the doctor used to make the virus that provokes the fighting instinct of the zombies but this comment is way too long already so I'll zip it

Tyre Willis

Both the bully and the girl he bullied put there arms out and focused on something before they turned unlike the other people who just got scaredand freaked out beforethey turned. So I don't know for sure but maybe the virus mutations depends on your mind set before you turn. And I think the doctor said something about the will to live did something but I don't remember