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LINK : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hltHWD11ZJIT9ZyUHGSLem5DhzOv4juR/view?usp=sharing



kyle williams12

the hashira that became one is the mist hashira in the green with black hair hes only 14 years old

RNG Master

I've gotta say this fight is actually way better in the anime than the manga. The animation really elevated it because in manga sound breathing is shown as just a bunch of slashes at fast speed but this is.... flashy


Flashy episode!


Wheres aot


Damn first the memories last episode other than the ones she specifically said was muzans was hers .. Second the two hashiras he was talking about then first was the stone hashira that he commended than the one that picked up a sword and became a hashira in two months was the mist hashira both have been introduced . 3rd unless his father is over hundreds and hundreds of years old he has never faced muzan ...... Its all their all the info is in the episodes you have seen . I thought someone would have corrected tall cause usually one of you guys call it right this is the first time yall both were incorrect


Technically speaking, the father wouldn't have to be hundreds of years old to have faced Muzan at some point during his own lifetime, but I get what you're saying... it's implied that those memories are from a very long time go. I've seen people make that correction on so many reactions, but to be honest, up to this point I'm not sure for anime only watchers there had been anything shown to rule out it being his father, however since Daki's hundreds of years old and has those memories as well, we can assume the memories are in Muzan's cells she's had all those years.


You guys don't even know what wisteria is the thing thats been mentioned multiple times and its one of the main points of the plot...... yall really need to recap episodes ... How is nobody correcting yall.... Yall don't even remember the the leader of the demon slayers is blind but it showed a flash back of him not blind how is that hard to understand lol yall don't really remember or read the subtitles


Can you blame us with how long its been since theyve mentioned any of this? We watched demon slayer when it was new back in 2019. Then the movie happened which didnt mention anything of it, then we get season 2 which is the whole first half of them recapping the movie. Its not easy having to recap a show everytime it returns with a season with how many shows we watch. On top of it all we dont know if we forgot anything specific exactly. But yes with everyone complaining about this i guess we ought to rewatch season 1 again..