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2021-11-26 21-01-29.mkv



Yeah I get what johnny is saying about them not talking, but I would say personally I lean more towards the fact that they havent had a chance to actually talk from what we have seen, first time firelights came and second with the explosions. Vi just cant catch a break cause each time she tries/plans to find and talk to jinx, she just gets screwed with another situation. thats just my two cents tho. awesome reaction, yall the homies fr.


Fun fact Ekko used to have a crush on Jinx when they were kids which can explain why he hesitated in the fight. In the game one of his voice lines is "I used to have a crush, but then she started talking to her gun"

Ju Chen

Just a correction on where piltover and Zaun(undercity) are, since this isn't really explained, and you won't understand unless you read lore. I don't understand it fully, but Zaun is 100% under piltover, the highest parts of Zaun and the lowest parts of piltover do overlap a bit tho, but they can be easily differentiated by those living there. North Piltover (Northside) is the side on the other side of the bridge, and South Piltover is the area right above Zaun, it looks like. Also, I would personally give Vi some slack, considering her sister just shot a machine gun at her and Caitlyn, meaning she has intent to kill one of them, and it would probably be better to get Caitlyn out of this scenario even if she was to have a conversation with her. The alternative was to have Ekko take care of Caitlyn, but that would deny us of Ekko v. Jinx, plus Ekko don't really give a fuck about Caitlyn, lets be honest here.

Ju Chen

For the deeper lore explanation: The city used to be Zaun and it was placed at an isthmus between two continents, chembombs were used to create a canal similar to the Panama canal to allow trade. The bombs were so explosive it caused an earthquake and sunk part of the old city, and created chasms in the area. This is Zaun, the new rich who benefit from the open trade routes built on the old city, they are Piltover. The lower parts of piltover is the slums like place that we saw in ep1, when they got ambushed. The bridge connects the two sides of the river to each other. North of the bridge is Northside(North Piltover), South of the bridge is Southside, or South Piltover, and is where the fissures/chasms are located, The chasms is where the undercity is built, and they have conveyors used to travel upwards and downwards. The areas where piltover and zaun blend is the boundaries market, and that is where alot of the trade happens.


Dope reaction fellas, and yeah the fight sequence was amazing (wayyyy too raw) And from what I hear, the lore from this show runs wayyyyy deep so they might have a lot or material for many more seasons. And yeah the Vi and Jiinx dynamic can be stressful haha.


One thing I do gotta say to Johnny, is I think that's just how you are when it comes to things like what happened with Jinx and Vi. For the life of me I can't think of the exact example, but it was something you guys reacted to before, and you were getting mad at something with the same"why don't they just talk" mindset. Which is no offense btw, but I saw you were really annoyed with Vi. And you seemed to lose a little context. We all saw that the first time they were pretty much good and really embracing each other. Then, the firelights split them up.......even you recognised that that was not Vi's fault. Therefore not a situation of "Why don't they just talk?". They got split up, Silco did some more manipulating, her disorder is a big part of her character now, etc. So my thing is, i feel you just get annoyed by that type of shit in general. But imo, this show is kinda going in a way where they just don't necessarily get the right circumstance to fully hash things out yet. There's just to much going on. Instead an easy, they got all the time in the world to talk with no outside influence and are just choosing not to talk to each. I see the exact opposite.


Not having the circumstances to hash things out is a product of the writing and thats my real issue here, is how its written teasing a conversation. Its annoying because just based on their reunion a conversation would obviously be enough to influence powders actions and help avoid a lot of this. We know thid because its the reason Silco is trying to keep her away from powder in the first place. The first time it happened at the end of the act 1 i wad like ok sure. Now that it happened again at the end of act 2 im thinking this is getting old. Which is why i reacted to the bridge scene the way i did


Johnny, about Vi and Powder. They dont really get a good chance to reconcile because that's the whole point of Jinx's character, she's a jinx, she jinxes everything (even in her first scene after the timeskip she jinxed the shimmer delivery)


imagine that jonny nit-picking and never enjoying a show for what it is lmao