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LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18F6MNqjG30uB90yUctC18oHfpdatXu1h/view?usp=sharing




Dope reaction fellas, fyi you guys are gonna love the next arc. The set up is pretty good.


lol i dont mind these eps. black clover is pretty fast so i dont mind taking a break a ep or 2


Exaggerated? I mean....it's anime. What isn't exaggerated!? lol And yeah, ya'll might find the whole thing with Charlotte annoying but Japanese men find it to be cute. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Japanese men be writing these anime/manga girls like that.

Chanel Dominique May

oh you poor thing. women feeling like this is common. we just have a much better poker face about it. honestly the only unrealistic thing about any of this was her cartoon speed moment.