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2021-08-03 20-58-18.mkv



Been enjoying the reactions. I don't know how you guys feel about openings but I feel like it'd be best to skip the next 3 openings only because they contain MAJOR spoilers. If that doesn't bother y'all then it's all good.

Jesse Prevallet

ive been watchin a lot of older anime lately (one piece and early naruto) and they will spend epi after epi explaining to you why you should feel for their backstory and after a while its like, ok i get it can we move on with the plot? I think this show does a good job of giving you enough back story to start to care about characters without drowning you in plot stagnation


Guys do not watch op 7 next episode wait till episode 85


I think they may already have since they posted the other day that they saw episode 80. But I do hope they decide to skip Op 8, 9, and 10 because those have crucial spoilers.


true, i think the show is not for them. they only care for good animation and action^^


Waiting for that truckload drop😈


Are yall serious? Now Chris is tripping more than Johnny on this episode, You guys are comparing and contrasting off other series again & it's sad I'm going to have to say this but it's very narutardish. the characters they're fighting is fodder all though unlike most of series on how they handle fodder is better.. I focus more on the magic variation they're using rather than just plain strategy.. you keep saying they're just shooting out energy blast but what else are they supposed to do? Not use magic.. this was a more backstory centered episode either way.. just feel like some of the complaints come out of knowhere sometimes. Especially on like downtime moments in the series, is when you have peculiar gripes about the series. Because everytime you do that it just sounds like you're ranting over the entire series reputation. You can atleast respect that the show has been entertaining & adventurous & worldbuilding has been great.. but when we get that you all make it an issue. Atleast you're paying attention to moments more compared to the previous episodes, but you can't act surprised & then just doggy crap over the whole episode on the review portion. Its very much possible to make entertaining fights with magic, but you were complaining before when Asta was the focus...just poorly placed rants guy's tbh. That make it seem like you're crapping as I would say over the entire series for something that happens in 1 or 2 episodes with a team of slot in magic knights. My guy makes a whole Leonardo da Vinci portrait with his paint & Chris it's decent 🤥


Captain Name is Rill and he's small but not necessarily a kid. But it's whatever but what is the point in complaining about a characters backstory xD? It was good to me & kindve heartfelt I don't really know why you would say it's meh lol just feels like yall putting out fake reactions when you do that. I just feel like no matter how many anime I watch I don't hold other series over other series heads & do petty nitpicking like saying somebody backstory is similar to another character. It's just kindve wild to me because it's not even the same scenarios. You would have to apply that same logic to the entire anime community with somewhat similar backstories. We don't need Lucks backstory when the focus of the episode is Rill.. the point was to somewhat become invested in his character so what is the point in seeing Luck backstory now? Even though I feel like we saw that earlier in the series I forgot which episode.


As in my previous comments, the I focus more on the variations of magic rather than just thinking of them shooting out energy blast.. you can't really deny the creativity isn't there because even the characters you would think is just fodder has different variations of magic although the same element as some other individuals. I can get what you mean about choreography because yeah that is important I suppose but these are as I said not even the big bad characters they is fodder type characters.. I dont get how you can say Rill magic is 1 dimensional when it's been established he's a captain and he has a unique variation of magical properties with paint & he make cool paintings. I respect opinions but the strawman gripes is kindve uncalled for, just with certain things because it becomes a generalizing idea when you guys get to ranting. Which rants is also fine but I'm critiquing so you can look at it from another perspective. You basically said, Rill backstory is generic.. which i don't actually believe is true, complained about the choreography which is an OK complaint I guess but you applying it to characters that's not even that important & strawmaned it across the whole series just because they use magic in the show, but you weren't doing that like 2 episodes ago lol, & im just hoping you're not saying rill's magic is wack or I misheard? Ill just have to stop you there, I can get choreography though that's a decent one. But like I said the variations all ways personally keep me entertained rather than choreography and how they use them.