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2021-03-22 20-48-51.mkv



I like eren wym he’s a badass


Glad i am not the only one who laughed when Zeke just bolted out of nowhere and then cut to Levi's dumbfouded face .


28:29 .. "If Eren still does truly care about them, he doesn't want them following them, or he doesn't want them getting involved." I brought up the moment eren had with his friends in that flashback for a reason. I don't consider that taking what he did at face value or not trying to understand him. Regardless if I understand him or not I'm not obligated to agree with his methods. You expect me to constantly have bad takes Gexshen so I don't see this comment being well thought out cause of that expectation.


“IM ANIME ONLY” Idk my take on it is that everyone gets all bent at Eren for beating Armins ass I mean yeah we all hate to see it, But ARMIN threw the first punch. regardless if you don’t like what he was saying, it was the truth. I mean idk how true the whole hating Mikasa thing is. If you are talking to two people and you say some real shit and they don’t like what they hear and one of them swings on you, are you just gonna take the hit and not retaliate? No lol you are gonna beat there fucking ass. Eren literally said “I just want to talk” so Armin swinging on him completely gave him every right to beat his ass. This is not even directed at you guys lol I’ve just seen multiple people have the same reaction. Now this, you saying you hate Eren so much? I mean why I’m just genuinely curious.


Look at like this. Someone comes up to you and says they just wanna talk and then proceeds to shame you and talk shit about you as a person. Whether it's real or not delivery and a time and place matters socially and eren comes up to them just to rub salt in the wound of their situations. Don't matter if its real its insulting to do to someone let alone his friends


Everything you assumed about what we want is wrong Lol. Some of you are just way too arrogant to see passed your own tunnel vision. Despite me understanding why you feel that way about eren, you can't understand why I don't feel that way about him. And that's what this boils down to half the time. Thank God I ain't gonna have to see your comments anymore next month 🙏

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

It’s a anime I never take sides on shows since it has nothing to do with the real world but I freaking love eren. I prefer villains over heroes anyway 😂😂😂😂😂


Even thou I don't rock with his actions right now for Eren to actually take shit over this effortlessly is pretty bad ass