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2021-01-10 21-12-26.mkv





Haven't watched yet, hopefully they guess who the blonde guard was


You guys are getting this. I really don't care if you pause to talk about it, especially when there is a lot of information thrown at you. If people have a problem with that they can just skip, it's not a livestream.


agreed, i actually enjoy when they go back and analyze to get a better understanding, thats part of the experience.


Lol johnnys really gonna hate Eren when he realizes all the people he killed were innocent eldians not even marleyans


Damn at 31:50 Chris really fuckin nailed that shit.


if you have a rewatch of the season 2's ed it actually shows you a bit of what happened during that great titan war + lots of foreshadowing for stuff that's gonna be showed/explained in the future , the ending pretty much reveals the plot without you having a clue about whats going on lool its crazy


Reiner, in season 2, realize that the people in the island weren't demons after all ,even berthold considered the scouts friends, did that stop them from saving the world, no they kept moving forward, now why would eren be considered when he is trying to "save the world" also, one more thing for eren to be the good guy as Johnny wants, apparently eren had to wait in the island to get attacked once again by literally everyone this time, I would too transforms right there, like u want the smoke I'm here right in ur city, while I kill people that were definitely going to be used to fight me


I agree with chris and think that Eren was saying he and Reiner were the same because they both were doing what they needed to do to protect their people. I also think he might be saying that hes doesn't like hurting the other people just like Reiner is haunted by it. At the end of the day though, for him still hes gotta do what hes gotta do


lol u thought the people above were so reiner wouldnt transform? they hostages homie XD


ur subtitles are wack the king did not have hope that eldians would redeem themselves. their sins are unredeemable, he just wanted to give them a slice of paradise till the day they would be ethnically cleansed


I dont know why Johnnys acting like killing civilians for the greater good is anything new. They literally did the same thing in S1 with Eren fighting the Female Titan in a whole city (A plan that Commander Erwin endorsed btw).


Lol I'm not a manga reader so this is just speculation from the most recent episode but Johnny come on...you're confused again 😂 like willy literally just declared war on Paradis Island then erin transforms and kills him and you're like "omg he's ruthless, I don't like this erin, why doesn't he take out the leaders instead" like is willy not one of the leaders? 😂😂😂 also they're all brainwash so there's no saving them 🤷🏾‍♂️


That’s Johnny for you 😂 I don’t think he likes it if he’s proven wrong by Chris with facts so he continues arguing. just take the L and just say “ahh ok fair enough”and continue to watch the damn show


If Eren didn't transform there he would have died, there were guards outside of the door he had to, its also the perfect oppurtunity to attack tybur, especially with the jaw and cart titan trapped.


All the nations of the world are being reunited to destroy the walls of Paradis and kill the Eldians within. The world has beyond extreme hatred of the Eldians. If Eren and gang killed the head of the Marley government, they would just be replaced. Eren has to show brutal strenght and terror, destroy Marley to make the whole world fear the Eldians, this will make the world think twice about attacking Eldians or Paradis island. Love ya Johnny, it is interesting to note how innocent and naive Johnny is. It is kinda cute hehehe


Johnny come on brah 😂


Eren has been hidden this entire time within their country. He chose that building specifically to attack the tybur head it wasn't a "he had no choice" thing. This is obviously what they planned well in advance


Naive? In the real world there are multiple examples of heads and leaders being killed to end wars. What I said wasn't just some fabrication of my imagination. Germans were also brainwashed but once Hitler died the war was over. I get that yall always feel like I don't know shit and you always know better for some reason cause Chris likes to act that way, but in this case, nah. If it's the whole world against them then taking out the head of each country sounds like a more realistic plan here. All eren is doing is inciting more fear and hatred by making a decision to kill civilians that could of been avoided. He has to survive but I feel it's also more about revenge for him. Just another Sasuke with the element of survival


You kinda just addressed the point of me saying eren is ruthless half assed there at the end of your comment lmao. Idc that he was targeting the head of the tybur family. I know he declared war I was never confused about any of that. He purposely transformed under a building full of people for no reason. Maybe to stop reiner? They could of just trapped reiner like the other titans though. Eren is basically just doing what the government of marlyean did to the civilians of Paradis Island. And that's my problem with it. If he could sneak under the building behind the stage there's no reason he could of snuck close to the stage from the outside, mad dramatic for no reason lmao


Johnny come on its like Chris said there was just a little collateral damage with those people in the building, lmao this isn't assassins creed like erens not gonna sneak around and take out the leaders 1 by 1 😂 his mind set is like "aye y'all did me dirty so we're gonna give u taste of your own medicine" 💀


True i feel you i can see why it looks bad and we all have our opinions lol. As for the stealth thing I know he was under cover and being stealthy but that was to plan the attack, I meant like he can't assassinate the higher ups because he's literally a titan like how can u kill a bunch of military people without casualties 😂

Locus Coeruleus

i just joined patreon again after watching your reaction on youtube for this episode. the discussion was really good and i understand both johnny and chris and i think both of you having different understanding to eren’s ideology is entertaining to watch. also avoid discussing with ppl cuz some of them will spoil if they disagree with you so be careful but again both of you have a valid point and even manga readers still argue about this till this day lmao