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2021-01-01 22-25-00.mkv



Don't you find it strange how Sinchi was acting initally when the lady was reading her palm? He was nervous, high pitched voice. Later on when she was done talking he became viscious, crazy, and went a calm meancing voice, etc. Also didn't you notice how the lady initally was confused on why Sinchi was offering his left hand instead of his right, perhaps the writer was going to make a point on a sort of metaphor. His left hand being humanity and his right being his parasytic identity. Maybe the smirk sinchi gave at the end wasn't out of pride for killing the fake mom but for his parasyte form to take over his human form. He smiled and said it's too late i alredly killed her. Maybe this is to finally provide him with relief with an answer saying I am not a human anymore. The double meaning of hole in heart emotionally and physically is important. Also isn't it weird that Sinchi copies the same laugh as that parasyte lady, is it an acceptance of his parasyte side now?


Arguably the parasyte lady was laughing instinctually from seeing a sign of weakness or infeirority. Could Sinchi be laughing at seeing an inferiority from his perspective in his human side? It would also explain why he's not angry at that moment like he usually is but like he is savoring his victory/triumph.


That was an awesome episode.