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2020-12-23 22-46-54.mkv



I felt like the romance aspect was actually well done. While Johnny said it was cliche I think that buzzword doesn't really apply because in this case the love triangle does in fact make sense when looking at how each character is written and knowing why each character acts the way they do. I can see why they'd find the black hair girl annoying but I don't find it as valid criticism because her "annoying" actions have reason behind them and I'm pretty sure it was the writers intention to make her somewhat annoying in the first place since in real life we would hate people like her character who try to ruin relationships. But when they say the short haired girl is annoying Id have to hard disagree. I think they're not understanding why each person are having the thoughts they have, why they are so conflicted, and why they are all doing the things they do. They wouldn't be calling it dragged out otherwise. If they think they do understand Id be very interested to hear an explanation. I mean its not like progress HASNT been made in the relationships. Id also like to know what good anime with romance incorporated they have seen.


lmao u deffo have no life


it only gets better..lol Johnny got me lmao every time a show introduces a guy and a girl liking each other. you really don't like that kinda shit bro.