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2020-12-12 21-55-00.mkv


Edgar Luna

New episode of jujutsu?


You guys should react to Haikyu


If you guys read the comics, you do find out what happens after the finale!


Great reaction! Gj finishing the show. Legend of Korra is definitely one of the best out there despite the criticism 😆


Spiritbending(not sure if that is an official term but it's commonly used) was introduced in this show. Another technique was kind of introduced here but it was something Aang did in ATLA but it's explained here. I think you guys once asked in ATLA why Aang wasn't cold in the Snow, here it's said(by Tenzin) that Airbenders use their breathing to control the air(or something like that) to keep their selves warm.


Also, what are you guys planning on replacing this show? (If you haven't announced it already.)


Korra and Asami are together. It was shown in the comics. We also learned in the comics Kya is best gay aunt lol and Airbenders didn’t care bout who ya fell in love with cus love is love, while during the 100 year war, the fire nation basically made it illegal to be gay.


After the end of this episode, the Korra series continues through comics just like The Last Airbender. Korra and Asami's relationship develops further in the comics. So this series will continue to exist in book form at least as it's still ongoing. A new graphic novel was recently confirmed and the Korra voice actors also recently did a live reading of the comics a few months back. ATLA is also getting a new comic soon. So its nice to have the Avatar series still exist with the comics. It helps bridge the gaps between stuff we never saw in the animated series of Avatar or the end of Korra. Part of me hopes we can get another animated series in the future whether it be a continuation of Korra or a new series but I don't think it will happen. Just wishful thinking on my part. This is pretty much the end of the road but it was a fun ride. I wish Korra had more episodes so its first two seasons could be more developed as it really improved with Season 3 and 4. Even Season 1 was good for the most part. Just a shame about the behind the scenes stuff. 7/10 is a fitting score for Korra. Thanks for the reactions.


I just wish that Korea got to travel because aang got trained in earth bending by toph and then fire bending by zuko and then air bending by the monks and water bending by the water bending master that went with katara’s grandma and Korra just had help from aang but aang had help from 4 past avatars and the thing about korra she was keep sheltered by her father and tenzin so when she got to republic city she had told the homeless man I thought everyone her was living it up and she probably didn’t have friends and she’s an only child so she never had to share or worry about others , that’s why her uncle said every avatar has traveled the world and every season of aangs seasons there was one villain the firelord but korra had 4 villains I just see it as aang was more spiritual and korra was more physical and I like that because aang didn’t want to kill the firelord and everyone was screaming at their screen saying just kill him but when korra wants to do stuff but force it’s she is hotheaded , I like aang but korra was about that action and she fought hands on yes she bends a lot but she can physically fight I think that if aang taught her air bending and toph taught her earth bending and katara taught her water bending and zuko taught her fire bending I think she would have been the best avatar but she was taught by the white lotus which I think they suck because uncle iro and his white lotus team would have messed everyone up but this new white lotus was really bad but I just wish aang was there for korra like roku was there for aang they messed up when they gave her no guide until she met iro in the spirit world but I love your reaction the both of you are very funny that’s why I subscribed to you to see your reactions early , take care and have a happy holiday :)


i thought it was interesting that both aang and korra both did what their elements represent. air is the element of freedom, aang brought freedom the the world from the fire nation. water is the element of change, korra changed the world after harmonic convergence by uniting the spirits and humans. i’m glad the writers kept that small detail in there.


I think the show is a solid 7 as well. The animation, choreography, and solid season 1/3 carried it. But I have noticed how static Korra's style is. Which is weird considering she is classically trained and didn't begin to learn modern forms until Republic City. If anything I wish they could've structured the entire series around the Red Lotus instead of retroactively connecting to explain the faults of season 2.


Also do you guys have another series yet? Joaquim Dos Santos worked on Voltron Legendary Defender and you can see a lot of Avatar in it


The comics for korra start with her and asami kissing lol then korra gets angsty when her dad says to not be too open about being with asami


I don’t know if y’all remember but in the first 2 episodes korra was talking about how she needs to be learning modern style of fighting/bending which is why she was fond of pro bending when you look at mako he firebends as if he’s a boxer, bolin even taught her, this is the fighting style she came into it wasn’t about her mastery over the elements it was the style of her choice, tenzins generation took after their parents style in the tradition, but then you have asami tyquendo, mako & bolin boxing, it’s the 1920s so it’s the era for boxing, korra picks up after both styles to make it her own while bending.


Appreciate you guys for the good content🙏 One of the best shows fr. Only thing we gonna have to agree to disagree on is the fighting. Other than that you guys spit some facts and had some fair arguments. Everybody Loves Chris

Kevin Kovacs

I was a fun ride guys but the only thing I wish that Johnny didn't complain about everything that Korra does...


Finally, done :') great reactions! LoK felt like it'd never end. Discussion around the show in the comments wasn't very..agreeable


Watch "ClassRoom Assassination"... immmm telling u..lol the vibe is great.


Hating ass dude on the left lmao Korra did way more impressive things than Aang lmao stop being a misogynistic you clearly don’t know what ptsd is and it shows if you think the creators didn’t design Korra to be stronger than Aang keep dreaming she literally suffered more than him, don’t forget when Aang fought ozai he was getting his ass beat before entering an avatar state he wasn’t even in control of. Korra was trained to fight villains like ozai not one in million enemies like Amon, dark avatar and Zaheer. Kuvira is skilled but she isn’t beating season 1-3 the only reason why korra lost in episode 6 was because of the fact she’s had no training for 3 years, her muscles depleted constant ptsd like the creators put all these details in the show just for simple minded people to overlook them imagine calling the strongest avatar trash because she’s human and goes through human problems. Imagine if Aang went through what Korra did he wouldn’t even make it past book 1 lmao she was bending 3 elements as a kid without training while Aang at 3 could most likely bend air only. How many times did Roku save Aang from death and tell him what to do where was Aang for Korra when she was facing unalaq ? that’s because he didn’t know wtf was going and thought it should have been Wan’s job it’s probably harder to connect to an avatar from 10000 years ago than it is 17 years. You say Mako is just punching ignoring the fact that he grew up in republic city far away from traditional customs and was excelling in pro bending which required a much faster paced style that he could use to counter against enemy attacks. Tenzin uses traditional air bending techniques because he was taught by Aang, Korra uses traditional bending techniques in all the elements because all her masters were traditional based benders, having versatility doesn’t make it whack kid. It means as times progresses new bending forms and techniques come about as we see in modern areas like republic city. If you think Zuko in ATLA was punching fire then your just biased if you think azula wasn’t punching fire then your just biased when they fought on the airship THEY WERE PUNCHING FIRE becayse fire bending is has more aggressive techniques no where anyone shown punching water, or earth or air in LOK as traditional forms.


relax dude its a show.... people have opinions learn to accept them you sook.

Cory Chavan

lmao this is hilarious, imo i liked korra not as much as ATLA but who cares about what dude thinks, he pays to be on the patreon just to write paragraphs about why someone is wrong when its all opinion, so childish its funny


Lmfaooooo seeing this guy spill out his anger over an opinion in a horribly crafted block of sentences is indeed entertaining. A nice $1 well spent.


Guys I honestly wanna thank you for your reactions, its been quite a ride into the Avatar world! So sad its coming to an end... Also im very sorry for some people in the comment section being so immature and offensive. Youve been great with your opinions, right or wrong it desnt matter, cause its not about that. Nobody is perfect and I appreciate it you guys being honest and speaking your minds!

Burooj Ahanger

theres a few techniques in LoK too. like the lava blade disk. kuviras small metal manipulation, Su's making armor out of metal environment, sucking out breath, wire metal bending, tbh metal bending as a whole has a ton of development.


Also, please consider to do a special section where you guys answer the tipical silly questions like whos your favorite or least favorite character, moment, season, chapter, fight or wharever and why, plus other reflections ...that would be the perfect closure! sorry for the mistakes, english its not my maternal language! BYE ;)

Burooj Ahanger

that would just be the same show again. and people would just complain they are just copy pasting stuff. they dont need to have identical stories


Omg yes! im sad LOK its coming to an end, but at least i hope that serious Korra freak hatefully commenting is gone for good.


The ppl who are calling those who chose to criticize; "childish", are the real children..lol grow up. Ppl are different, the bros should expect differences of opinion, especially when what they are saying dont always add up (Korra being weak). They really need to look more into korra and what she went through in the show. I actually find it pretty awesome it was not an easy win for Korra and that she was getting help from her team nothing wrong with that. Definitely more REALISTIC than Aang's story. The opponents she had to face were 100x more difficult aang had to face. Period.


Lmao lastly i gotta say. The comment section was the best out of this entire series. lmao. I just don't understand why ppl get triggered. Watch "ClassRoom Assassination"... immmm telling u..lol the vibe is great.


I was not a big fan of Korra over all. It did have some strong moments and the animation was definitely better but those strong moments were because is expanded on the world that was established in ATLA. I understand a some of the criticisms here but a lot of them were because Johnny needs everything spelled out for him and missed details that would make things a lot clearer. I mean he is still calling RAAVA “BRAAVA”.


Now y'all gotta watch She-Ra (2018) b e t


Maybe try and understand everyone has their own opinions, and that opinions and art are for the most part subjective and up for interpretation? Having to insult someone about anything past the point of your criticism makes your critique seem emotionally bias and not very concrete