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2020-12-13 16-41-54.mkv



I hope the comments didn't bother you that much and you are still hyped for the season! It's definitelly really cool you guys are still catching up to everything that happened, even though the initial response was a lil too much. Still have to watch the rest, but wanted to react to the intro :).


Zeke knows that he is Royal blood, and that is the reason why he can Rise up titans and control them. He was just playing stupid, you said it yourself that nobody knows that, so of course he lied to Colt, you guys were right about that:)


Guys don't even address the people that are being toxic. Just ignore cause most of them want to get to you and you addressing them is giving them what they want.


bruh was that actaully Eren( or Levi) ....with the long black hair who apparantly has the PTSD?


damn chris really came through with the knowledge lool respect


Yo Johnny, im the one that pointed out last time that u said Zeke was Eren's uncle, my whole comment wasn't supposed to be aggresive, i just pointed that out so you saw that even those small important things weren't clear for you, so if anything happened related to that or any other thing u didnt remember you were not going to catch some new things and enjoy the connections, theories and all that hence i said u should watch a recap or smth. But yeah, my comment wasn't written in a aggresive way, i was trying to help, but if it felt like that im sorry, english is not my native language so maybe i expressed myself incorrectly.


Ya, he sometimes misinterprets people who are genuinely trying to help and confuses them with people that just want to be toxic and troll


Im planning to rewatch your demon slayer reaction but sadly you upgrade the tier. 😅