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Korra 4x6.mkv


Kevin (I’m a girl btw)

I like the fact she doesn’t win all the time it’s realistic imo. Edit: when I watch shows I don’t think too much about certain stuff or take things too seriously. I feel like it takes the fun out of it I like to enjoy what I watch since it’s entertainment. Not something to get to worked up about. I don’t question things too much.


Yes. In reality, people get beaten heaps! The point is to keep getting back up stronger than before. She is dealing with many different blockages. She has only dealt with physical blockage. Now she is dealing with 2 different mental blockages. Ang failed aloooooot too.

Lorenzo Baxter

Nah korras Ptsd wasn't dragged out. You simply didnt connect with her like you should have, so her journey doesn't interest you. She's most certainly not weak. But she hasn't reached her resolution yet. Its so dumb how people forget korras past fights and how strong she is. Foolish.


Check my reply to the first comment on this post and you'll see what I think about her past fights. But you're right we did not connect with her Ptsd. In my opinion the way they expressed what Korra was feeling was too vague for me to care about. For people who have no frame of reference or personal experience for something as dark as Ptsd this would of been a perfect opportunity for the writers to have Korra express what she was feeling much more than she did. I would of preferred that over the constant visual representation of what she was experiencing that didn't do much for people looking at this from the outside in. Or better yet do both.

Mario Caleb Chaparro Hernández

Korra is much stronger than Aang was when it comes to fighting what are you talking about? Just try to stay out of shape for 3 years and see how you'll feel when you do sports Even better, try to surpass being in a WHEEL CHAIR! Cmon, do some thinking


Pretty much facts, I would argue spiritually aang is stronger, but bending wise, Korra has metal and spirit bending in her arsenal

Kirk Perry

Look guys, I enjoy your reactions. Y’all don’t gotta vibe with EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. I think Korra fans are sensitive (and yes I include myself in that) because we relate to her flawed character. It’s like Korra is a little

Kirk Perry

baby and fans feel a need to protect her if someone doesn’t like how she is. And there are actually a few things to dislike about her and her story. Lol


There is a lot to dislike about her character, I agree with most of what ur saying, it’s just, the unjust hate is not in regards to the writers problems.


First I wanted to say that totally can see where you are coming from at times for this type of genre it is hard to see that hero keeps taking L's but that was the goal in way. I have read some of your passed comments and I think Korra is just not a hero you connect with and that you are just not understanding what the story is trying to show you. I seen that you said that they just weren't explaining PSTD well enough and could use more visual and dialogue. However they are, Korra is living in fear. Her body and mind hasn't had a break since season 1. she is reliving that moment she almost died against Zaheer over and over again. She sees her poisoned avatar state self literally haunting her. When she fights an enemy, she is trapped in that memory (triggered) and is unable to escape it. She gets panic attacks. Being detached. Unable to contrate on her bending. Also inconsistently is also a sign she may be fine in one fight but will be triggered in other. That’s what make PTSD so frustrating. That has been shown this in the season from ep 1, this is literally what PTSD is like, so they are giving you a great explanation I just think your having a hard time connecting to it. PTSD is such a hard concept to understand sometimes and is very complicated which why there is no easy "fix". Korra thought it had to be something physically wrong with her and when Toph gave her the metal in her body fix Korra thought "well there's my problem right there and once i get all of it out I'm back to 100%" but no, it's not that simple, it was only half of the problem. Korra needs to learn to accept her past trauma and find a way of living with it instead on living in the moment with fear of what happened and almost dying. But I other than that I don’t expect every person to love Korra like I do and (yes Aang is number 1) Korra for is always going to get back up no matter how many times she falls. Like you shouldn’t get crap for saying Korra is just not your favorite character, like its stupid when people get mad and try to make you love her or something lol and your reactions are always fun to watch.


I personally find it refreshing that she doesn’t win ALL of her fights, it contradicts with Aang’s character a lot. Her and Aang are literary foils; Korra is still far too headstrong even if she does get better, and that fact alone makes it hard for her to think strategically in comparison to Aang’s creative spirit. I agree that ~completely~ useless Main characters are hard to watch, but korra is at least getting character development. She may be the avatar but she’s ultimately a human being. I like this approach a lot more than korra being able to win at everything.

David Palacios

Someone phrase it in a way that I really agree with and that was Aang was human learning to be an avatar, whereas, Korra is an avatar learning to be human.