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2020-11-10 23-20-07.mkv



Is anyone getting low HD or is it just me?


props to Korra for managing to not lie during that conversation with Aiwei. This episode is sick, next one is pretty interesting too. Great reaction.


I like to understand the way lava bending works by thinking of them maybe vibrating the earth around them so fast that the friction causes it to heat up and create lava. If anyone else knows exactly how it works feel free to lemme know!

Jerry Ferrell

Both Avatar Roku and Avatar Kyoshi have been seen lavabending in flashbacks.

Jerry Ferrell

Well lava is molten rock. I’m assuming it has something to do with temperature control since both firebenders and airbenders have been shown to manipulate the temperatures of their respective elements.


I'm loving the daily uploads guys but I'm worried about the quality(I.E the last 2 videos being rendered in 360p max) dropping. If this is a result of the quicker uploads then I'd be totally fine with slower uploads.


I’m just waiting to see their reaction to episode 10😂😂


And 13

Baron Salt

He didn't pull a vanishing because he got yoinked by a metal bender


Earthbending has many variations. Alot of them are just common. Like sand bending and crystal bending.