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2020-10-21 21-53-25.mkv



Love this fucking episode


This was a much needed distraction from the election business. Loved yalls reaction. Iroh is always a win


Fun fact about Wan Shi Tong's Spirit Library, Aang & the gang explored it in Book 2, Chapter 10. Take a note about what episode this is. It's also Book 2, Chapter 10. Just something neat a lot of people noticed.


As far as we know Human spirits don't go to the Spirit world when they die, Iroh actually played death like a fiddle by Meditating himself into the Spirit World at the time of his death (as explained in the episode). Essentially allowing him to live in the Spirit World instead of fading away. That's also why it showed Professor Zei as a pile of bones, unlike Iroh who meditated in, Professor Zei was brought into the spirit world with his actual body by a portal Wan Shi Tan opened to move the Spirit Library back into the spirit world. Basically this episode was a massive lore/information drop, detailing how the parameters of humans venturing into the spirit world changes based on the method they used to enter.


Malkuno out here droppin knowledge not only for the BOTW streams but in the comments here <3


Also Johnny why you do chris so dirty with the thumbnail lmao


The library being there is actually not a plot hole. In atla the professor said that Wan Shi Tong brought the library to the material (human) world. And when Wan Shi Tong got mad at Aang and the gang, he said "I am taking my library back to the spirit world where it should have stayed" (or something along those lines). So they actually told us in atla that it was going back to the spirit world.


You guys are gonna loooove the villians in the next season. trusttt me




Her turning into the kid could be a representation of her spiritual maturity but I always took that as showing she suffered an ego death or ego loss in this case probably because she didn't lose her identity totally. But basically ego loss is getting rid of the ties you have to your identity and all the things ingrained in you which are used to shape how you see the world and yourself, it gets rid of that and you end up so open minded. Learning how underneath all divisiveness everything like all life is the same on a base level, and how you have the power to look outside yourself at the big picture. Also become aware that perception is everything and like Iroh says your emotions become reality, and when you look for the light you'll find it and look for the dark you'll find that too. Just all about perception. I mean Korra needed this because her issue has always been her ego and her clinging so hard to her identity without thinking from where she even got these ideas for what she needs to be. She just needs to be herself and accept that.