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2020-10-07 23-40-49.mkv



Correction, thats zukos grandson


Yo, I think you uploaded the wrong episode again. We didn't even see the equalists attack the council or see Iroh II show up for the first time.


Yall are too hard on hating the drama. You cant expect there to be no drama. There was plenty of drama in avatar. And for the ages, Korra is 17, Bolin is 16, Mako is 18, and Asami is 19. Theyre all still young so drama is to be expected.

Kevin (I’m a girl btw)

I’ve seen worse drama than this. I don’t find it bad it’s kinda entaining to me. Even tho avatar didn’t really have much drama it was mostly just love related stuff


General Iroh is Zuko's grandson. Him and probably Mai have a daughter.


i can not wait for tuk tuk lmao


2:38 "You don't know who that is? You wanna get smacked?" This should be the Twitch channel's resub sound. lol


(I was cringing with suspense when you first said this was the season finale and I was like...oh no, they skipped again! Stop stop, the missed episodes aren't fillers this time!) jajaj. All good, though.

Official Jrem

The action goes crazy in this show


Let’s goooo


jhonny go bonk your head so you forget the show, this reaction is awesome but it'd be so much more genuine if neither of you knew it c:


Johnny with the spoilers haha. But still a good watch. Have you seen ALL of Korra or just Book 1?


I believe he's seen all of it but forgot most of it because he watched it on air and that was like 4-5 years ago.

George Bondo

Lol if you're annoyed, that means they did their job as writers. Teenagers will be teenagers in a teen drama series targeted towards teens. Likewut lmao


if its targeted towards teens, shouldn't these characters feel more relatable than annoying? Idk this sounds like an excuse

Katherinne Heller

i like korra, more episodes guys! Great Job!