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2020-10-05 00-32-24 (1).mkv


Kameron Griffin

The blood bending without a full moon seems more plausible now considering low lever firebenders can bend lightning people have gotten much better at bending


Lightning was reserved for royalty during Fire Nation rule, it's not so much people got better (which is also true, but mainly because) it's things became more available. Same with metalbending, once Toph discovered it she spread it around. Fire Nation royalty just kept lightning to themselves.


Btw, the council isn't like, the United Nations or World Leaders lol, its the REPUBLIC CITY Council. Don't get me wrong, still stupid af how he just sways these no name sheeps like it's nothin, but they are not the world council or something. And I'm lovin how sus Chris is of Asami xD shits got me dying lmao


nobody gives tensen enough love :'(


Idk if y’all already figured it out but the reason they didn’t take kataras mom as a prisoner is because they saw what Hama the old lady blood bender did to escape, so they stopped taking prisoners. So the fire nation probably leaked blood bending

Official Jrem

“He just shit all over their hands” LMFAOOO


You know something's going down when two waterbenders on each other's last nerve have a "talk" with a flowing source of water in the background. Also, lol on the costumes. Yo, Iroh would be an awesome idea. Dudes, you're brothers! - Chris can be Ozai! (awww! brothers with matching themed costumes)


"Asami, did you know that Korra likes Mako" I knew you guys would lose your shit over this. One of the most hilarious moments in this series. Ikki is so wrong for doing that lmao. Korra's face was priceless. The fight between her and Tarrlok was also great. I love how blood bending comes back into play here.