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2020-10-01 23-09-31.mkv



They realized in one of the twitch streams xD Was probably recorded beforehand since Chris read the comment about it


Also without spoiling the comics for ya, it makes sense for them to know chi-blocking and not be connected to Tai li per say, cuz in the comics she eventually taught people who taught other people, etc. So it could've just fell into the wrong hands down the line


Amon with N not D


I think you won’t become too emotionally attached to the characters until s3 ish, probably a reason why it’s people favorite season. Season 2 does a lot of development for bolin and other future characters so don’t worry!


The antagonism in ATLA is more basic, but it's not a bad thing as ATLA also proves how you can still make a compelling story with the basic villain. Going more in more depth, it did start with Sozin believing that conquering the world would make it a better place (like the Fire Nation's "Manifest Destiny.") By the time we got to Ozai, we had a narcissistic, royally entitled SOB who's identity revolved around the war and his god complex convincing him that it's his destiny to win it and rule the world. EDIT: With that said, I agree that Amon is a more compelling villain than Ozai.


As I'm sure you've heard the creators went into this series thinking they were only getting 1 season and then were told they would only get 1 more so it was very hard for them to build the same way they did in avatar but its still very good


Think of it like a sequel that isn’t complete ass. The animation, music, action, storyline and the antagonist still hit and be on the lookout for more easter eggs 😉.

Nyan Krunex

3 episodes in, I kinda dig the atmosphere in this series..it gives more of an adult feel and I like it, it gives me vibes like from Justice League animated series or Batman Animated Series lmao


When it was first released, alot of people supported amon because hes technically on "our side" aka the viewers. Since we dont have any bending powers irl imagine if we were in the avatar world with no powers, we'd be bullied the same way as the non bending citizens of republic city.


Lowkey sad seeing lightning bending being used so commonly but atleast it aint as strong as it used be (e.g Azula and Ozai)


The fights, the villains, the music and the art are all top tier. The writing is where this show suffers quite a bit


writing basically turns into a fan fiction towards the end tbh lmao


it isnt sad. it makes perfect sense that the technique was taught over 70 years. What used to be uncommon isnt anymore, leaving room for more powerful forms of bending. Lightning even from avatar is child's play to the shit we see in this show.


That comparison is anyways weird though. Amon is far more comparable with Azula than with Ozai, cause Amon isn't just some unknown danger sitting on a throne somewhere for more than 90% of the time.


Dont sleep on Bolin 💪