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Atla 2X20-1 (1).m4v



Really enjoying the reactions and even the fair criticisms. It's nice to hear different takes on events. You guys are one of the only ones that related to my feelings on Zukos betrayal. It was heartbreaking, but neccessary for his character journey.

Libby DVR

If that stupid king hadn't been like, "Not without Bosco." Toph and Sokka could have been there in time to help. That was his whole point in this episode...to be the foil.


season 3 is about to be HOT!!


Never actually realised this was kinda rushed, but when you guys pointed it out, I actually agree, still a good episode in my opinion. Although I dont think anything in the next season is like that, and I would bet money that it will be your favourite so far.

Libby DVR

Mai is not lazy, she just has zero fucks to give over your dumb ass bear and that nasty sludge. It was Katara = spirit water that saved him. The avatar state was gone gone.


Loved the reaction, most reactors don't really criticize the show alot and I like how you guys do, even if I disagree with some points. Makes it more enjoyable. The way I and most people see Zukos betrayal is that he comes from an abusive home, abusive dad and sister. And as most people who are mentally abused or even physically, which happened to him both as seen by the scar. So as most people victims they are usually so close to leaving their abusers, forgetting about them, moving on. But sometimes they get on slither of hope that maybe this time will turn out okay, this time, he or she will be different and love me and thats basically zukos thought process, he's this close to moving away then he gets a slither of hope that he might regain his father's love and maybe even be good terms with his sister and get his honor back, he takes it. Which is pretty realistic. Sorry for the broken English, not my first language

Libby DVR

Character development happens better with failure. I'm a writer and it's one of the things you have to ask yourself as a writer...am I being too nice to my characters? You can't baby them, too many writers are afraid to let their heroes fail. It also ruins the tension. Knowing they could fail keeps things more intense.

Doug Wills

This is definitely true, but I also think "most reactors don't really criticize the show a lot" because there's not that much to criticize once the show hits the gas in season 2. And in this case, I think it's even simpler than you laid out. The thing he's wanted for years is sitting in front of him and has been offered. That temptation meant more than a life he'd lived quietly and happily with for a few weeks. Everything you said is ALSO true. But that's a bit of a deeper read into it. On the surface, I think it can be explained a bit more simply. Also, your English was great. :D

Libby DVR

I don't agree. They going to spend five episode contemplating their navel over the chakra attachment stuff? No. And in addition to the fact that he's the Avatar and raised by monks probably mediating every day since he was in diapers the fact that he did it so fast is not far fetched at all. I mean he think we shouldn't have had the guru stuff at all but that stuff was awesome and very important to understanding how bending works. You can't cut that out.


aang already unlocked the rest of his chakras. so only the last one remained, which he actually was already on the verge of opening before being interrupted by his vision. that's why he was able to finish it that quickly. he didn't have to go back to step 1 basically.


Yea he just entered meditation and finished the process, because otherwise he wouldn't of been able to enter the avatar state.


I could agree with the rushed ending feeling. But yall reaching for something to hate on at the end 😂

Brian R

That one shot was lightning and if you really see it for what it was, she was shooting that lightning with 100% intent to kill the avatar, which was something i never realized while watching as a kid and is pretty crazy if you think about it


Zuko made the wrong decision but it’s understandable why he did. Zuko for the last few years has been risking everything and has been thru so much in order to capture Aang and despite all the change he’s been thru it’s understandable that he’d make this decision when It’s offered to him on a silver platter by Azula. He also seemed very remorseful at the way he betrayed uncle witch shows that this was a very hard decision to make.


Aang really did die in the moment when Azula struck him. The only reason he was able to be revived was because of Kataras oasis water which has special properties n that glow that happened once he was healed signified that he was alive. If Katara didn’t have the oasis water then Aang would’ve been the last Avatar cus Azula killed him while he was in the Avatar state n if he dies in the Avatar state then reincarnation cycle ends. Also the reason he died in one hit was because Azula struck him in the back with lightning n no matter who it is lightning is always a one hit kill.


The guru was right, Aang would not have been able to go into the Avatar state without unlocking the last chakra, which he did. Nothing about that didn’t make sense.

Ian Lurke

Lol I can't agree with the rushed feeling. If it was dragged out more then we would've gotten 2 or 3 episodes of aang training with the guru. 2 or 3 episodes of them flying on appa to get back to ba sing see. I think Chris was critical because it was a cliffhanger ending. Which I'm not too fond of those either. And as far as the avatar getting taken down with one hit, he was struck by lightning. This show focuses on these powers being (somewhat) realistic. That if you get hit then it can be lethal. And the avatar state isn't invincible. Just powerful.


Regarding the last scene with Aang, A lot of people are saying Aang was in the Avatar State. However he really wasn’t, he was just unlocking the last chakra. Aang already opened that chakra but by leaving so abruptly he locked it. Meaning he could not go bk into the avatar state until he reopens that chakra. In that last scene Aang already knew how to open that chakra now he was just unlocking it. The animation in my opinion wasn’t him in the Avatar State but him In the process of unlocking the Avatar state. Btw thanks for the great reaction love you guys!


I disagree. None of the other chakras had a reaction like that where he was glowing, and the pressure / beam of light he created was similar to the first episodes. Boy was straight up in the Avatar state, have we seen Aang's tattoos glowing continuously mean anything other than being in the Avatar state? I really don't think there is but if I', wrong I'd love to hear it


They were always building up to ba sin sei to fall from the inside they been hinting at it a lot in previous episodes

Ryan McKeon

Azula the only antagonist who Desmond wait for her opponent to power up, this ain’t Dragonball Z lol. But fr tho Aang catching lightning directly to the back would def cause some serious damage so I’m not surprised he got taken out like that. Lightening is seriously strong in this series. He is lucky Katara didn’t use that spirit water on Zuko or else there wouldn’t be an Avatar anymore. Kind of crazy to think about!


When the guru said u won’t to be able to go into the avatar state he means like how anag when he in danger goes into it because he locked the chaccra and the only way to unlock it was by completing the training that anag knew because he almost unlocked it until he got the katara vision so that’s y he built the fort and started meditating because he went back and unlocked the chaccra which he unlocked the avatar state then like in most show the main character is the most vulnerable when they power up that’s y most villains never try to hit them when they are powering up but azula did which hit anag and he died and only being saved because the sprit water katara had he was able to never go into the avatar state unless he unlocked the last chaccra like if a door is locked don’t mean u can’t get in u just need a key so anag key was the finish the training he didn’t need the guru there the guru was just a helper