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2020-08-10 21-13-17.mp4



I was just about to go to sleep...

Libby DVR

Appa is a cross between a Manatee and a Bison, is what I've read.


The fight suki had with Azula was after the drill episode.

Libby DVR

I'm the one who commented to skip the 'last time on avatar' stuff. You should, I'm glad you did. It's the worst spoiler and that for when it was first airing and you had to wait a year to see it. You just saw everything a few weeks ago. I feel like I want to warn you to cut out that kid making fun of the other for crying for Youtube-dude, you're going to get a lot of hate for that...maybe you not though, maybe he deserves it...hmm...don't know.


Yall are tripping. Mako still voices iroh for the rest of book 2. Just letting yall know. He might sound different because he passed away from throat cancer.

Doug Wills

My understanding is that he only finished MOST of his lines for season 2, but not quite all of them. So it's like 95% of him, but not all. All the same, it's unclear where and when.


The guru was talking about how he was sensing aangs energy from appa, talking about how everything was connected and that’s how he knew where Aang was. That’s the same thing the guy from the swamp was saying, everything in the world is connected. It even did the same like white energy line animation from when they found appa in the swamp.