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2020-07-20 22-46-44 (1).mp4



Tiger cub it is how Koreans say about someone that will grow very strong in the future. The fruit is called sage pill - allows to pull out the true strenght of someone who eats it. If eater is not strong enough he may die, for regular humans its almost 100% lethal. They skipped info about his grand father, but it is important for the story, so i think that they will show it when we will see him.


If there was something that was left out of the anime that wasn't the start of the show, don't let us know for future reference. Some of that I would of rather not have known yet if the anime was gonna give us answers. Again the anime is constructed different so we dont know if there gonna tell us or not. So best not to give us details yet


U guys were right about the fruit doing something to JIN and the commissioner with the green hair underestimating jin. He didnt expect the boost in jin powers. Also the GP that showed on their bracelets might be explained in the next episode. the GP and the powers are very important.


also chris was right about jin always wanting to fight the blonde commissioner. The blonde dude is really important.


It's amazing how the main girl was getting her ass beat the whole time and then in like 10 seconds her main character plot armor activated and allowed her to do some bullshit and basically win in one attack. The most subpar fight out of all the fight so far in this series. You can't just make a character beat someone the whole fight and then just lose to some "hand sword attack" at the very end. It makes it even more unrealistic. She should have at least landed a couple good blows before her main character bullshit allowed her to win. Don't get me wrong I ain't saying the main girl is as bad as Sakura or some other horrible character but I enjoyed the WWE girl way more in the limited time we got with her. The main girl is a typical and boring cliche anime character. WWE girl says she is "tougher than iron" then plot armor activates and allows main girl to use her hands and cut her up.


Also I thought the ones with red noses were just representing them being somewhat important characters in the series. The ones with red noses have something to play plot wise in the series whether it be a fight or something in the storyline. Maybe I was told wrong.


to be fair Mira never won in the webtoon, the other girl gave up for other reasons lol