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2020-07-10 23-50-12.mp4



What Thors said about a true warrior is very important. Its basically the main plot phrase about this show.


thorffin hid on the ship and other guys went back home


I was waiting to say this until this happened but from the very beginning thorfinn (the kid) was gonna be the main character. How you guys didn't notice that from the opening at the start was funny not gonna lie lol. Thors was the main focus until now but Thorfinn was the main MAIN character from the start. His father was simply the push that started his life and adventure and this whole series. Although I will go ahead and say Thorfinn doesn't necessarily seem like the main character in this first season. Another character which a lot of people loved this season has majority of this season for development and screen time. You have already saw the character but you will figure out what I mean by the end of the season. Thorfinn is slightly more of a background character until after season 1 but he is the main focus of the entire story.


When askeladd asked thors to be their leader he was dead serious btw I love this anime too much lool cant lie for me it was better than demon slayer it just hit harder emotionally but yeh you guys are in for a fat treat the episodes gonna be goin crazy

Daniel Gonzalez

I don't remember but I think this was basically like the prologue I need to get back to reading the manga

Daniel Gonzalez

Demon Slayer was ok to me I was actually a bit letdown because people kept hyping something and when I got to that part I guess I was expecting more which is why I hate hypepart


Vikings were eating mushrooms in order to enter the battle rush for real.


Also, the whole first season is a prologue to the story.