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2020-07-08 23-26-08.mp4



Valhalla is like heaven for vikings. People in village were so happy because only strong warriors who dies at the battlefield get to go there.


I'm glad you guys are liking it so far! One thing to note is that Floki was mentioned in the first episode, but we didn't actually see him until now. The tall guy Thors was fighting with was someone else entirely. I'm only saying this because a lot of other reactors thought Floki was the one fighting with Thors at the beginning and get confused lol


Looking out for episode 4 :)


There are no fillers in this series. It is slow at some points but then it picks up a lot at some points as well. It isn't super fast paced at all. But this anime isn't all about the action like other shows. It is about the characters and philosophies. You will see a lot of different view points of characters and a lot of BIG BRAIN talk and strategies. You need to really pay attention to what is going on to really get the full experience of this series. I would say the last few episodes of the series is where it really goes wild and it picks up a whole lot.


Well there is one filler episode that wasnt in the manga. But it only adds good stuff that manga was missing.


Yo the symbolyism though how the father saw his son go down that path made him truly bleed and hurt inside. Displaying his self sacrifical nature and how he has went from killing others to letting the pain on himself to do his part in the world out of a sense of duty, really emphasizing that watershed moment in his past and also how good of a father he is.