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2020-06-03 22-43-01.mp4



Khun I don't think he send the later he just found Letter


Really good explanation copied from Youtube, that doesn't appear to include spoilers: To Clarify some of the stuff, that seems to confuse: The Hierarchy of each floor is as following: The Administrator( The Big Eye we saw at the last scene), each Floor has such a being, it can control all the Shinsu on it's Floor, you can basically call it god of the Floor. -> It is some kind of being. -> Every Regular has to make a Contract with this Administrator to be able to use Shinsu. -> That's why it was so shocking for Lero Ro when Bam was using Shinsu at the End of the Crown Game without having a Contract. The Ruler of the Floor is someone appointed by the Floor Administrator or by King Jahad. On the Current Floor this is Evankhell. The Test administrator, someone appointed by the Ruler of the Floor, which is in charge of the Test for regulars ( Hansung Yu, Coffee Guy :-)) And then there are Supervisors, like Lero Ro or Quant. These are Rankers which are hired by the Test Administrator and get payed to do this as a Job. -> Thats where the Problem appears when you help an irregular: You don't easily find a well payed Job as a Ranker if you have a bad reputation.


That explains things 10x better. Thanks bro. Either were stupid or this show has just not told us these details, or is slacking on telling us these details Lmao