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2019-09-26 17-07-48.mp4


Kameron Griffin

Do you guys remember the pink strand coming out of the demons back in episode 5? Or the sociopathic laughing of gowther? They may seem really small and insignificant but its not an ass-pull

John Belangerj

do you guys remember season 1 when gowther used nightmare teller on dreyfus and when he was in his head and said oh who are you? he was talking about the demon. i dont remember if you said you figured it out, but if you remember that episode you will be like ohh that's what that was


Also Merlin used absolute cancel on Gowther which was only temporary


That's why he came outta nowhere and PRAISE THE šŸŒž

Isaias Medina

Cant wait for yall to see Escanor holy shit


Cmon man I feel u guys just miss the little details connecting to the plot twist and call them ass pulls anyway love the reactions praise theā˜€ļø


The gowther thing we concluded in this reaction wasn't an ass pull, just another twist. In short were tired of every other episode having a twist, it feels like it never ends with this show which is why everything feels like an asspull lol. The demon possession part definitely felt like an ass pull based on how Dreyfus was acting in season 1 though. Its like hanging on a thread of retcon

Edgar Luna

Praise the fucking sun


I enjoy your reactions but I feel like you guys need to pay attention a bit more. Thereā€™s been zero ass pulls and thereā€™s a reason for everything.


Seriously? A retcon? You guys disappoint sometimes man..... You complain because you aren't smart enough to predict what will happen? You also state that this shit was a retcon?...... -_- It is so simple to understand it is amazing to me how you guys shit on it and don't get it..... I will try to explain it best I can. So it showed how dreyfus was taken over by the demon and the demon also had control of hendrickson. This was before the sins got set up as if they killed grandmaster zaratras. Zaratras is the older brother of Dreyfus and they made this very clear in the first season and that Gil is his son as that is what drove him to take out hendrickson who he genuinely thought was the murderer of his father zaratras. So after the demon had control of both dreyfus and hendrickson they went back to the kingdom. This is when the demon sets up the sins and is the one who sets up and kills Zaratras. This causes the sins to leave for a few years to hide out and split up. During that time the demon still has control of both of them and is playing the role of dreyfus. You have to remember that the demon can know everything about the person, including how to BE them, as was shown in here with hendrickson when the demon went into his body. Dreyfus lets the demon take over his body and mind because his best friend hendrickson is used to make him do this. But during this time while the demon has his body it gains back the power it has. Meliodas is the one who created the huge hole after he attacked the demon out of rage but the demon happened to survive. This makes the demon weak from being defeated. However, since the demon takes over a strong vessel it can regain the power it had. So the demon was dreyfus the whole entire time and while the sins were forced away the demon took the time to build up strength it lost and used both dreyfus and hendrickson to start the task of causing chaos within the kingdom while gathering the pieces to bring the 10 commandments back. Since the demon was in dreyfus it used hendrickson to be the main villain while the demon played pretend with dreyfus as if it didn't know what was going on. Also if you go back to the first season near the end where hendrickson hurt elizabeth and made her bleed you can see dreyfus grabbing a towel and soaking up her blood as if it were to stop the bleeding but the true intentions were to get her blood as it was a key to the gate to let out the commandments. The demon had hendrickson made it look like he killed dreyfus in front of someone so it would be known he had died. I doubt it was in the plan for hendrickson to almost die from meliodas but he happened to make it out alive just barely to meet up with dreyfus aka the demon who isn't actually dead. The demon uses hendrickson to perform the ritual to open the gate to let them out. The demon helps hendrickson survive because of all the help it got from him. Also this shouldn't be a spoiler as it has already been made clear but the demon that has been doing this is a current commandment as it shows the mark on dreyfus face and they have already made it known the demon is one of them. So at some point along the way over the years the demon regained its strength enough to make it where the real dreyfus wouldn't be able to kick the demon out because it had gotten too strong once again. Also you got it right where when gowther was in the mind of dreyfus he did confront the demon which was when he asked who was their with him and the demon was the one that actually took out gowther back then. I also don't know what you guys mean by saying they didn't know if they would have another season or not which is why it might be a retcon. Seasons don't even matter with a series turned into an anime because it gets the source material from the manga. So it isn't like they retcon shit because they didn't know whether or not it would be another season because they get all the material from the manga which has plenty to go off of and has already been making the story. I know this is long but I hope you understand what I tried to explain. I also could have sworn I made a comment trying to tell you guys that this series is full of plot twists but majority of them really do make sense whether or not it is explained later on down the line. This series gives bits and pieces at a time while also telling the current story alongside it.


Hopefully they read this and it helps. Tired of them missing details thatā€™s right in front of their face. Sometimes I wonder what they are even looking at lol.

Lotus Gramarye

holy shit that paragraph comment... like that is some stream of consciousness shit, anyway, the thing with gowther's tricking galland is and isn't an asspull. it it foreshadowed within the episode (and in the manga chapter it's in), but at the same time, you two bring up an issue that's not gonna go away anytime soon. this is a weekly manga in its roots, and the anime doesn't change that too much. so to a greater or lesser extent, every episode there will be a shocking twist!... that may or may not be undone in the next episode. that's just the kind of show this is


You guys gotta understand our statements in a reaction video can change through out the video. Towards the end we said the whole gowther thing wasn't an ass pulled cause we recalled some of the hints.

Lotus Gramarye

that's kinda what I meant aaaaa

Lotus Gramarye

like it seems like an asspull at first but in a greater context it's not

Ryan Read

Lmao, EVERYBODY CHILL!!! It's easy to get mad at them when they miss details when you watched the show and already googled any questions you once had. I notice the reason they miss details is because they often discuss things over the small talk. Towards end of s1 till now there have been huge changes of character and twists that come from left field, which in hindsight is makes a little more sense as you progress further along. Sure they could do better at connecting the dots but damn I'm sure some shit wasn't 100% clear to us at first too.


You guys are fine, don't know why everyones over reacting


I know right. These people keep complaining when this guy missed something.I mean they are doing a reaction and need to talk during the episode which sometimes they miss some information its not like they hate the show they just need people to clarify something that they missed.

Kameron Griffin

I think everyone just wants you guys to enjoy the show as much as we do but don't listen to us you guys were gonna get it eventually


Gil is his nephew


At least someone gets what I am trying to do instead of throwing statements into my comment that I never stated and being intimidated by a long explanation to try to make everything clear.


Again and we said this in the reaction, if in the case it was really Dreyfus in season 1, he would of still had his memories of being possessed, it just seems crazy to think that he didn't say anything about what happened to anyone during an entire 10 years. Then again we don't know exactly what this commandment was doing to him during that whole time. Thats why we said that flashback could of explained things better than it did.


We never said he didn't know about the demon lol, I said the opposite in my reply to you. Still he could of wrote a note or some shit that entire 10 year period or something idk lmao


The comment section goin madšŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know if itā€™s due to poor translations or something, but after watching it and reading the manga over a few times in Japanese, Hendrickson was never under a spell, and Dreyfus was basically under Fraudrinā€™s control the whole time, despite him being active a large portion of it. Hendrickson slowly became evil with the influence from the controlled Dreyfus, which led to his actions in season 1. You guys can also just view the exchanges in season 1 as acting and bad writing, because it really was just there to surprise the audience when they revealed the truth about the characters in season 2.