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Damn, that's a good one too..

Leaky Peach

Nooooooo! Can you re record it? I don't care if you have to rewatch such a pivotal episode


You gotta re-record guys it's an emotional one


Guys we already watched the entire episode, literal 30 minutes wasted for the channel. I don't see how we would react if we already watched it. The best we could do is maybe do some commentary of our thoughts over the episode


Doesn’t really make sense to re-record a reaction to an episode they’ve already seen lol. I think the commentary would be a nice idea though! Or just generally sharing your thoughts on the episode.


Man that sucks. That was a really good episode too. Oh well, stuff happens 🤷🏽‍♀️


Scratch that, I think will probably just re-review the episode. Chris seems fine with that


But the question is how do you guys missed the footage like wtf ??


Stupid shit. clicked the record button, it didn't go through, and we jumped right into doing the video.


NOOOOO! Awwww man! That really sucks. Such a shame but it can't be helped. It's one of those things that happen. Godammit! That was such a good episode too. Damn. I guess you guys can give your thoughts on it as usual and do a small review about it. EDIT: Just saw your comment above. I guess we can look forward to the review then.

Delwin Rosa

I mean that sounds good to me, even if you guys want to make it short, you guys can recap what you felt was important in the episode or your biggest takeaways. Pretty much like the ending bits of your reactions just slightly longer ig.


It sucks, but ultimately, I'm just glad yall watched it. I die a little inside whenever someone watches it for about 10 episodes and drops it cuz they think it's boring or a kid's show. Don't lose the last episode!!!


Cmon guys, we know you just don't want to post your reaction because you were crying like little babies at the end of the episode