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These subtitles are weird, lol... where are you watching it? Scraggles? I'm not sure which version is right, but the meaning behind some lines here changed from the version I watched. I'm pretty sure in the version I watched for example, after the fight Togame said to Ume something along the lines of "you sure like meddle" or something like that... in the version you're watching, he said "you're quite the busy body". I got the impression Ume came into this with the intention of trying to fix Choji, and knew all along that's what Togame was hoping for too. Not sure I would've gotten that if I watched these subtitles first. Another example... "I didn't hear anything from my fists"... I read in a different version "his fist weren't saying anything to me". The lines are just different, they mean two different things, it's kind of weird.

Jaden Davis

There's an outro video at the end of each episode.