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Might possible the WORST. SORE. THROAT. PAIN. I've ever experience in my life. Good lord...  Tried tea, soup, meds, ice cream, cough drops, and sore throat spray and they only help temporarily. Doesn't help I'm aching and got the shivers too bleh... 

So art and this month's patreon is going to be delayed due to covid. Sorry folks. :c




A fuckton of Honey and hot tea. Gargling your throat with lukewarm water and 3 tbsp of salt stirred together. You'll feel better soon bucko!


I know what you’re going through and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone (well, almost anyone. I can think of a few POS’s). But yeah temporary relief is all you can hope for til it passes sadly. Just tough it out. You got this! 😉


I know your struggle Snow, i'm still dealing with a cough that i got from covid 7 weeks ago. Honey+lemon tea, menthol sweets and many more. Just hope you're able to recover swiftly and well