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Hello everyone! 

Hope you're having a good day :)

You can find the latest SoC page here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13CEHsNDhLwijKi4r1BJpT3FztMuag9_E?usp=sharing 

Now, for the future of Polls & Discord;

I have been enjoying working on the Story of Consequences pages a lot, but I will be putting that story on hold for now, as I try to focus more on my bigger stories; Nature of Sins & The Backstore.
I want to get back to it eventually, but for now I want to change the weekly polls to something like this:

Every Sunday, you will be able to vote on what character (from either popular I.P.s or my own) you want me to draw a scene on.
Every Wednesday, you will be able to vote on what that character will be doing in that scene

Now where Discord comes in:
As some of you may have noticed, my Discord channel has been morphing a bit over the last few weeks. I want to turn it into a place both where my Patrons get access to some special perks, and where I can foster a community of people who enjoy not only my art, but all SFW & NSFW art.

For the weekly polls, I'll be taking ideas in this channel on Discord: https://discord.gg/qnBn3bwY
Which is the #weekly-art-ideas channel.
**Please write any ideas you have for characters and scenarios you would like to see**
Who knows, maybe I'll really like a scenario and want to turn it into a short comic :p 

I'll be doing this for the foreseeable future, until I get back into the Story of Consequences comic :)

Anyhow, thanks for all the support. <3
I hope to grow my offerings with your help until I can do this full-time, so feel free to share my art and invite more people into our community :)



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