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Here's page 2 of Unsired Interlude one!

Ok so I want to explain a little bit for those of you who might be confused since I haven't done a great job at explaining (maybe by design lol) what my goals are with my main stories

So if you want to keep the mystery, do not read further hehe

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10W39n1AZ3i-wqlDPQxpZN_jfiB-3xgqx?usp=sharing 

Alright so the main story I've been working on for a while now is Unsired, which includes the Backstore as well as Nature of Sins, and this interlude serves as an introduction to another story line into the same universe.

My goal is to jump between storylines, not only because I like when stories are written that way, but also because it allows me to not burn out on any storyline in particular, and maybe build some suspense lol

I also don't want to introduce too many storylines because then it's just confusing, so I think 3 is enough. My plans are to finish this interlude, finish the first chapter of Nature of Sins, and then get back to the Backstore with chapter two. 

Thank you guys for supporting me <3



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