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Good morning!

Here's a dumb drawing I spent way too much time on lol: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8243snswobw0k4bkvwcb4/AHXBxxYnfmY7bnh0NYlotzc?rlkey=6nltgu92iwcfg7dnxhnuqzaov&dl=0

I had this idea and thought I would sketch it out. I ended up spending way too long on it :p

As mentioned earlier this week, gf and I are moving tomorrow morning. Because of this, I have to pack my desk and stuff, so I wont be able to draw until tomorrow evening probably. :(

But once I'm setup at the new place, things should pick right back up and we'll be back to normal :p

Thank you!  




That is a very cool idea, and I would love to see it incorporated into a story somehow

David Barger

So many dicks!! Wow love it