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Good Friday evening!

Here are pages 3 & 4 of Family Tree, plus a revised version of the JesseXJames animation

Family Tree, pages 3-4: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/iedo2oyod0q8fdxqrxtad/ADr10GC5La1Qh2Cb7kCTZsY?rlkey=knglsul2pq0idwdx7k3yucal6&dl=0

Updated animation: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/smy933ensx32umpnz40w2/AAdMCLOVpbVwHEzeTREqkcw?rlkey=487bkewnsjwzm2ry47m7m67of&dl=0

Should have Nature of Sins pages released sunday or monday, as well as the weekly poll :)

Timelapses can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101075231



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