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Here's a new series I've also been working on lol.

Now I know the title kind of implies some things but there will be no inc*st in this story, the title will make sense soon :p

I will make a cover for that story soon

Page 1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/iedo2oyod0q8fdxqrxtad/ADr10GC5La1Qh2Cb7kCTZsY?rlkey=knglsul2pq0idwdx7k3yucal6&dl=0

And I also made a simpler illustration for fun :) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/kud1r8miad6crs2dloam4/ACd33p02GQsx62NurxIOisc?rlkey=cft1w3gxl4ez04fufi69pflu4&dl=0




Lovely work.I am very interested in seeing where this goes

David Barger

So hot ! Can’t wait to see where this goes