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That's seems a little out of character to act that extreme. Lol. I can't wait to see what happens next!


I am guessing you are talking about the following episode. I am going to guess that is going to be two episodes O_O LOL.


As long as he informed her before hand about his decision and that he made other arrangements to have her on his team it would be. Otherwise its terrible and she would be really hurt.


I'm unhappy with being forced to accept that Hao Chen just, what? forgot? to tell Cai'er about the promise with Lin Xin. He should have told Cai'er BEFORE the final round about his standing promise with Lin Xin. But now she is publicly humiliated, confused, and undoubtedly feeling betrayed. There is no one in this world who would be able to deal with this very well. Male or female. Personally, I think the author is just using this to create a situation where we will see just how dangerous Cai'er's power is, or at least, how dangerous that old man can be. It's a minor flaw on the author's part that he expects us to believe that Hao Chen would actually be this insensitive and thoughtless, because until now, he's always been observant and careful with his actions and words. So while I condemn the author for using a cheap trick to get us here, one that breaks character for Hao Chen, I'm still looking forward to the next couple of episodes. Also, why haven't we seen hide nor hair of Hao Chen's retainer knight?since this isn't part of the competition, shouldn't he have come running the moment Hao Chen is in danger?


As long as? But he didn't, so it's too late. Very cruel and thoughtless of him, but I guess he's about to learn a hard lesson.


Yeah, true. It is a cheap trick. He definitely should've told her. What's the big deal right? But to give him credit… He did say trust me. No matter what happens after the competition. Trust me.


They changed things from the novel subtly with the way things are turning out and it makes it harder to believe but there were a number of factors and hopefully they explain it well enough. Not sure though, I couldn't tell enough from the preview. In the novel, he intended to forfeit for her but she beat him to it. Since two people forfeited at once, he had to go straight into the final battle which took all his focus and immediately after he had to make his choice. They wouldn't let him speak with her first. I'll avoid spoilers but I'm also interested to see what happens next.


He had enough hint to ask her about holding her if he won. He should have used that brief moment, that last chance, too tell her, "I gave my words to Lin zin that I souls choose him as my partner, because he helped me advance, otherwise I wouldn't have come this far." Not to mention all the other times he should/ could have said something about it.