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I hope you all enjoyed your Doctor Who Day and if you celebrated Thanksgiving the same day, then I hope you had a lovely time! I hadn't realised they would both fall on the same day this year. I suspect that's why the Doctor Who specials are starting to air today on the 25th, so people can enjoy both. Speaking of the specials, who is looking forward to tonight's first episode, "The Star Beast"?! I know I am!

I'll be watching it as soon as possible and will post up my video of it hopefully in the next week or two. It may be that you'll have TWO videos a week for at least some of December, as I'd like to get the specials out before the end of the year. Oh and the Christmas special?! How can I forget. I'm hoping, with a very busy festive period, to get that watched and out for the end of the year or probably early new year (if I possibly can).

Oh, by the way, the title of this... Who thinks it sounds like a band name? At least the "Thanksgiving and the Specials" part haha.

Have a wonderful day!


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