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In the midst of editing the War Of The Worlds video and wanted to finish episodes 5 & 6 video for you. So that's now done and hopefully going to export it and post it up for you guys tomorrow! This will be both episodes in one, so hopefully you don't mind it'll be both together.

As mentioned, I'm working on the WoTW video, so if I seem quiet, it's because it's a massive video and I've only got a few days to edit it (posting 30th) and that would normally take a week or two haha. PLUS, I haven't even started the Ghostwatch YT edit yet haha. That darn hard drive failure has set me back so much... but the videos will be out for you!

I hope you can bear with me, but once those are done, I'll be working on the next film and episodes of DW / OFMD.

Thank you for being amazing!


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