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I haven't the foggiest idea what to do about this. It's the first time it's happened since Christmas and even then I was able to rectify the issue. 

So, the new Casablanca video got two copyright claims (both say they are for 20 seconds or so, but trying to remove that section clips almost the entire video!), whilst I still kept to the same style and gave commentary etc. I have a feeling it's because I upped the on screen footage of the film from my usual 2-4 seconds up to more near 4 seconds. Even that though does keep it in the realm of fair use.

However, after sending this back to them as a dispute, it was refused and both claims still stand. The thing is... if I go to appeal this I'm either potentially getting a copyright strike or a takedown request for the video. What to do...

While I'm not monetised through YouTube anyway, that side of things doesn't matter, but I would like to keep the channel as free from copyright claims as possible. It takes a lot of time to make the videos and so when the day comes to potentially further the channel (maybe even sponsors or monetise - not that I'm in it for that though), then I may need to refrain from copyright claims. It's also an added reason as to why I cut out the cursing and certain imagery in content due to YouTube's rules and what can be suppressed, along with what would eventually stop me from growing the channel. Which I can't do when it has copyright claims.

What's even more annoying is that the copyright claims typically happened on one of my best performing videos!

Thank you all for always being there and for supporting the channel and I. I truly appreciate it and hope that the community of film friends can continue to grow!


What to do... (and mini rant)


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