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Just to keep y’all in the loop, Tik Tok suspended my account @matthewconvard from posting for a week. Already emailed them/ reached out about it so we’ll see if it gets fixed. This is the stupidest thing because if you noticed on that account, I have been posting the most generic, family-friendly content for the past week featuring my DOG in most of the videos 😭 I have a 2 theories on why my account is being harassed like this tho:

1. I made a video a few weeks back poking fun at British people after the World Cup stuff. A British Tik Toker got offended and made a vid about my vid and I think my account was mass reported from that video which I’m still feeling the effects of most likely (I have since deleted that video)

2. I think being a part of the Tik Tok creator fund has made my account susceptible to increased penalties from tik tok. I think this is in part because they might have higher standards for accounts they literally give money to and also because they have incentive to penalize accounts when they grow too fast so they don’t have to give them more money. My account over the past week grew by 20k followers which is incredible but I also think Tik Tok saw this and wanted to hault that flow a bit. So since then I opted out of the tik tok creator fund after the development today because I don’t want to give them any more reason to harass me. We’ll see what happens of course with opting out but in the grand scheme of things the creator fund only gives out pennies really so it’s not worth the trouble if indeed it is what is causing these issues lmao.



TikTok is very inconsistent with its policies. Hopefully demonetizing your account will help.

Thomas Rowe

20k new followers in one week? I gotta be honest - I understand TikTok’s more careful moderation of a channel that grows suddenly (especially if their money is on the line).