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Is it’s too late to make the lord of light my new favourite?





Its funny, because when Jons death episode aired... Ppl were initially shocked. But within a few hours, almost everyone pieced together that he would be coming back. The #1 mystery of the show and books is "Who is Jons mother"... And lbr, that mystery is not.. who is the mother of that guy who got stabbed on the other side of the world away from the plot. And it became especially clear when the show made it a point to bring Melisandre back to the wall in the scene preceding his death. aandd then tons of photos leaked of Kit Harrington just... wandering around ireland or wherever they shoot those wall scenes.... so yea...


I'm so glad this revitalized you. Jon Snow let's GO!!!

Igor Lulić

When Season 5 ended, speculations about Jon coming back immediately started. Also, most people felt like Melisandre coming back to north had something to do with it. So when you said "and it came out of nowhere!", that actually made me so happy :) This was not spoiled for you so you were able to experience it in a very special way! We waited a long long time for Season 6, so when Davos said "I assume you know why I'm here", it was like the entire audience is there saying that :) Can't wait for you to unfold more and more of Season 6!

Eve Griffin

Guess who's back!!!!!

Danielle Bergmann

Jon is one of the only truly good characters in the show. You wanna be on his side, so it's nice to have him back.

Amy Donelson

the beginning lol, the frustration hits hard but hey, your hair looks amazing :)) you have such a good personality for reacting!

Mike MIchelsen

Hahahaha, "my legs gone funny..." made me laugh out loud. And it has been a fucked up day, so I needed that... Season six is the best season I think. Definitely my favorite. SOOOO many payoffs, of plots and mysteries, and storylines. It's so much fun to watch someone really enjoy something you love. 10/10 Would Hodor. Hodor... Hodor.

Amy the CheshireCat

I am soooo excited for your reaction. I've been waiting for this moment. Wonderfully emotional reaction!!!

Mike MIchelsen

P.s. The thumbnail makes me laugh. Looks like you farted, and cracked yourself up, as Jon and the child of the forest, are shocked and horrified. Besides that, I only came back to be the dick that points out the typo in the title, but made myself laugh... Ha! Okay I'll see myself out... Outy.

alyssia connors

I remember the first time I watched GOT on Crave, when Jon died I knew it wasn’t for real because the cover photo for the show was something with Jon that never happened yet. So sad the streaming service spoiled this feeling for me, but seeing your reaction gives me the excitement I wish I had! ❤

josh york

Hello Hannah! I would like to make a suggestion for your videos. i subscribe to a Patreon called spartan and pudgy and they put the bottom quarter of the movie or TV show theyre reacting to in the video with no sound. It's just enough of the screen to see the subtitles and a tiny bit of the bottom of the picture. They put the entire movie or TV show in the reaction so no matter where you are in the video you can sync no problem and since they're showing such a small amount of the screen and no sound it keeps them from having any copyright issues.I think it would make your videos much more enjoyable because if at any time you get unsyncd you only have a couple snippets right in the beginning to Sync to so you either have to start over or try to sync it based just on how you react and It messes up the whole experience


Isn't it weird lol... I've subscribed to so many patreons and so many of them have the full show with sound and everything and nothing ever seems to happen. I wonder how some get away with it and others seem to have problems 🤔


I paid to sign back up with HBO and this patreon just to watch these reaction videos, while I do wish they came faster, I understand the work that goes into editing them. Hopefully she'll get to weekly releases at some point.

Jeff I.

But she's been doing once a week releases for a while now? Not always on the same day each week, but yeah.

josh york

Yeah she’s usually pretty late in posting. it usually takes between eight and 10 days to get the next reaction so it’s not quite once a week but close. I always get impatient on day seven because I always am hoping that it will be on time but it rarely is. I’m sure it’s hard to edit and she does a lot on ash’s channel as well. Hopefully she’ll get more consistent on her own channel. I personally like series reactions better anyway.

Chelsey Lauren

My problem is we're paying for a service/subscription, if this was all free then yeah take all the time in the world, but It's not. I've agreed to pay my amount, I want my moneys worth, I watch because i really enjoy hannah,s reactions, I adore GOT, I suffer from mental health issues and I find re watching GOT alongside hannah relaxing and my chill out time. I joined here, as I fond waiting on YouTube frustrating, now I find myself refreshing this all the time waiting for an upload, I get she's got s life outside of this, etc but she's the one on every video requesting people to join her on here,. I just want better value for money.


subbed to patreon just to see this episode and the upcoming stuff! funny how you never really had much of an opinion about Jon in season 1 but almost gave up watching cuz of him lol. We all felt the same way! I hope you watch the GOT "equation video" ( dont look this yet) after season 6 is over.

Thurnis Haley

I am sure it will drop soon. I would rather Hannah upload on her own schedule instead of rushing through watching/editing the show, at the expense of her own enjoyment of the series. I know we pay money but the last thing we want is for Hannah to be watching these because she feels it is her job to do so - her reactions would probably not be enjoyable, if that was the case.

Dominique Cloet

First of all. Unless she has to pause during the episode, the only editing required is adding the sync up parts in the beginning. I don’t need the whole intro and outro. That’s for youtube and can be done later. And second, it IS her job. She charges money for it doesn’t she? Nobody forced her to start a patreon.


and nobody’s forcing you to continue being a patron if you’re unhappy with her posting a couple days later than normal. it’s reaction videos, not some life saving service that she’s providing. i love them too but my god ya’ll are impatient.


Yeah I agree! Don’t wanna rush her!! I do wish she replied to a comment to let least let us know tho :/


Coming tonight! Literally just making the thumbnail for GoT and then it’s yours and then need to upload the stranger things! Xxxxxxx

Mike MIchelsen

Who are you quoting? Why the Quotation marks?? Or is it more like... "THIS IS A SPOILER" - Erin Black Either way, you are wrong. Not a spoiler any more than saying S8 is the last season. No hints given. No specifics. Just a general appreciation of me favorite season. "I still think you're cool though" - Mike Michelsen

Mike MIchelsen

I'm sorry to be an asshole on here... Actually I'm not. Some of you are entailed as fuck, and it's gross. You are not buying a product, you are funding a content creator. "I paid my money, now I whaaaaaaaa...!!!" Shut the fuck up. If you don't like the frequency of uploads, fuck off. I don't speak for Hannah, but I speak for myself... People constantly crying about uploads being a day late. Gross... Hannah, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to fuck with your money, If you made a higher tier, I would pay double simply to not have to read these douche bags' same stupid comment every. Single. Week.


seriously! i hate the entitlement i see on so many patreons. these people make youtube content we can watch FOR FREE and the whole point of patreon (at least imo) is so we can help support our favorite creators and in return get a little treat in seeing content early. this doesn’t make them slaves to our whims. i wonder if these are the types of people who treat customer service employees like shit in real life. and poor hannah apologized for being late so many times in the new video, i hope they feel real bad when they see that.

Mike MIchelsen

It's like you're talking with my mouth! Same sort of people that snap at wait staff... That was the part that pissed me off, how many times do you want her to apologize for the same thing? Not counting my opinion that no apology is owed. But like every week it's the saaaame stupid comments, motherfuckers having main character syndrome, feeling like the sun rises and sets on them. Chill out, shit like that is what makes people quit social media.

Mike MIchelsen

Hahahahahahahahaha, I'm not your bro, you fucking dunce. But, No she is definitely not. We are strangers, who live on different continents. I'm not out here white-knighting for clout, or to get the digits. That kind of demanding, entitled bullshit is what makes people stop posting. And that would make me sad. Now if any other shit wants to plop out of that stupid asshole you call a mouth, be my guest. If not... Shut the fuck up and get back in your corner.