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I CANNOT EVEN TYPE MY EMOTIONS! So it’s a good job I have full video of my emotional state instead…

After the saga yesterday of earphone gate and 3 failed attempts of saving… ITS FINALLY HERE!!

Stranger things coming too this evening/early hours of the morning UK time.. just got to try and save that one now ahahah




Ehrys V.

A lot of people were confused by Sansa bringing up the starving hounds since she wasn't there for him saying that at the meeting. However... "Jon... Where is he?" "In the kennels. Along with those starving hounds he loves so much." "Starving?" "So he says. Hasn't fed them is 7 days." "Is he a valuable hostage?" "None of the other houses will care about his safety now he's lost Winterfell. You can do with him as you please." "...Good."

Danielle Bergmann

This is a top 5 episode of all time. The shots of John in the battle are LOTR level cinematic. You feel so low like you are being stomped into the ground with John, and then you are catapulted into the atmosphere when none other than Sansa Stark, the little naive girl from Winterfell, comes in to win her home back against the biggest monster in Westeros. I know people get mad at her, but I HATE LittleFinger, yet I love that she goes to him. She saved Jon through the long game. She never cuts off LittleFinger. She just takes LittleFinger's leash on her, and she slowly leashes him. They have a disturbing relationship, but a fascinating one. And no one was going to listen to Sansa if she had brought it up beforehand. She saved her card. Losing Rickon and the giant is very hard. (Grogg? In forgetting his name rn). But getting to watch Sansa feed a man to his dogs is very very worth it. I wish Arya could have seen that. And Ramsey's comment is just one nasty little dig at Sansa before he dies. A reminder of what he did to her and that he will always be in her mind and body. I hope those dogs took their time.