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Game of thrones drop for you all!

Stranger things will be coming later in the week!

Happy watching everyone 🤍👀




Dominique Cloet

Please tell me why my comment was deleted?


When it comes to the High Sparrow and "The Faith", they're essentially bad. The people who fight for the Sparrow might believe what they are doing but it's more of a brain washing. The Sparrow tries to act humble but you seen that smirk on his face, he's found his own way to reach for what he wants and he does it with horrible methods and treatments. He's not a good dude. Margery is good. Yes she has motives behind alot of her actions but her goal for those motives is never with any ill-intent or harm to others. So she is still ultimately a good person. She knows how to play the game though. She was raised by her Grandmother after all. Who is also good but knows how to play the game. She hides her feelings and gives a mask as you see what she's doing now with the High Sparrow. Tommen is also good but he is EASILY influenced. He's a lovely boy but he is a boy and so it's aggravating when he doesn't use his power as king to actually prevent and stop all the nonsense with the High Sparrow. Yet you can't fault him for being so naive and not taking action. So it's just an aggravating situation. So Margery does what she needs to do with what she has. She pretends. She's agreeable. etc. Especially with the High Sparrow. That's her life, and also her reputation, as well as her brother's life, on the line. And if your King, your husband, is not doing what he can to help, you play the game. Her brother Loras is also good, as is their whole family essentially. He knows how to pretend and play the game as well but he does way less of it than Margery and actually just tries to enjoy life alot more laid back. Most of the time. He is attracted to men and that's the only "sin" the Faith are holding against him which is gross and shows just how innocent he is of doing anything that he should be punished for. Not to mention it tells you alot about a person or people when they think they have the right to decide what is a sin in others and how they deserve to pay for those sins, and then to enact them. I hate the High Sparrow and his followers with a passion. Cercei is not a good person. But there's some good aspects to her. She honestly loves her children and loves Jaime although her relationship with her brother is obviously wrong. Other than that she is generally never a good person. She hurts those around her and tries to act better than every one else. She takes it so far that even knowing her son loves Margery (thus she is part of his happiness) she still plots to go against Margery (as you see with her arming the Faith which then arrests Margery and her brother) which ultimately hurts Tommen. So she profusely talks about her love for her children but then continues to do things that hurt them. Some of her behavior I'm sure stems from her upbringing and how perfect her father has always portrayed their family. She comes from money and privilege. But you can't put all of the blame on those reasons as to her innate cruelty. You could even see it already when she was a young girl and went to see that witch. She's not a nice person, at all. But you do see those moments of real humanity in her and those small moments show those small aspects of goodness. Because ultimately most people are never JUST bad or JUST good. It's just that her bad far outweighs her good. Like... far. 😆 Jaime is the opposite of Cercei however. He is good, but has some bad aspects to him in the past. But if you notice, most of his actions that were bad, were done IN FAVOR of Cercei, and their relationship. He's sort of this sad example of being brainwashed and has this sort of almost obsession for her. Because if you notice, he's perfectly good when he's not next to her. Even his personality changes. You see it when he's with Brienne the most. He's played his own part in his relationship with Cercei for sure but it's almost like she has corrupted him. And so he's a character that has a lot of "you hate to love him". But you do. 🤷‍♀️ I think all of these aspects definitely show why GoT is such an amazing show. It's one of the reasons anyways. The characters are legitimately some of the best that have ever been on television. They are extremely nuanced and realistic, even if they're extreme and dramatic. It makes for such a great watch.