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So some of you have reached out to me, because they feel they cant access all the content. Turns out, Patreon did a UX "improvement" and removed the featured tags which you know ... not gonna lie, kinda sucks, because relying on the main feed to load more and more stuff in is a fucking pain, especially if you're looking for old stuff. Instead of that we now have "Collections".

So please go here: https://www.patreon.com/taidoro/collections

I've created a couple of collections based on Tier 2 content, Ekfylia stuff, sets and images. Thankffully these collections update themselves going forward ... PSYCH, naturally I have to update them everytime I add new content because we cant have nice things ... who hurt you patreon?

Apart from that the post with all the tier 2 exclusives will be updated separately and stays the pinned post.

Sry guys, I dont know why they did this ... quite frankly I think it makes it worse to find stuff ...




If there is any specific content you're looking for that doesnt have a collection yet, let me know. I thankfully tagged my stuff pretty decently, so it should be easy to come up with additional collections.