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In the midst of Summer and once more, I thank you guys for your continuous support, so before we get into what has been happening behind the scenes, the usual admin:


I will be removing these sets from patreon come August 1st 2023:
Virtual Remastered 1
Virtual Remastered 2
Virtual Remastered 3

Link to the post with all patreon exclusive sets (both currently available and sunset): LINK Remember, all sunset sets can be requested by active Tier 2 patreons via DM at any time.

So what have I been up to?

Refocus regarding commercial sets
I don't know what it is but recently the sales over on the Affect3d store have been really bad. Like really really. So for the time being I am prioritizing you guys over getting full on commercial sets going, because quite frankly, I dont see the benefit of putting several weeks worth of effort into a set that doesnt sell (e.g. Lewdpin III) and I feel I can better use those creative energies for you guys, since you stick with me and support me (because you're awesome and probably all have giant dicks/huge bazongas ... like for real, it is amazing how you can walk with those xP).
I will still do the collection sets for patreon sets (as I did with the elf stuff, the vampire stuff or the Virtual Seduction stuff) because they do not add considerable effort and not everyone has access to patreon. As you probably noticed currently the patreon sets focus around Twitch and the Sister, so it will come at no surprise that once we hit three of each, these will be bundled up for sale again. Also there will be a poll soon in regards to "Halloween Shorts II", which will replace the October set like last year.
Full on exclusive A3D sets though will be far and inbetween. I will still continue to work on Club D'Envie 2 whenever I feel like it, but making sure patreon content is up to par, is priority 1.

Patreon Exclusive Set for July
On the 15th of next month tier 2 patreons get access to 22 images of Twitch performing more experiments ... or being performed on as a scientist friend of hers tries out his "big-dick-ray 2000" ...

July is going to be Twelfmonth
Twelf might be sleepy for now, since I've been spinning you along regarding the latest Ekfylia stuff but in July she will finally wake up and feature in a lot (and I mean A LOT) of content.
The next 30+ Ekfylia story thing, and a 20+ image Twelf set - IS THAT ENOUGH ELF FOR YOU, YOU SICK FUCKERS? xP

Pool Party Pinups
And because not everyone is into the fantasy gals, I've also done a set of summer time pinups with the non-fantasy girls. Been a while since I've done a themed pinup set and boy ... I have too many OCs.

Cyberpunk 2034 - V-Entry
The Phantom Liberty trailer at the MS conference reminded me that I still owe you guys the next Claire set (you guys voted for V). So I got started on that as well, not quite finished yet, but unfucked the scenery and will be ready soon(ish).

Free Use Gym
I also started working on a little sequence of Melody stumbling into a "Free" gym. She might have not read that sign properly. So yeah, I am doing a gb set again. Don't know yet how many renders this will be, because posing these kind of sets is always a never ending story.

Corneo's Bride
Regarding the Corneo set, I am not surprised that there is not much love out there for Aerith. Whoever can stand her (I sure as shit cant ^^) usually doesnt want to see her lewded. I WAS however expecting Jessie to give Tifa more of a run for her money, but nope. Tifa it is, Well I am not complaining. Gonna get on that set asap!
Did some initial renders and I am not sure if I will use Corneo's bedroom as the port is pretty low-res as you guys can see in the render above. Maybe an onsen ... gotta try stuff out.

And with that I leave you guys for the rest of the month, see ya July!



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