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Boy what a month ... so much stuffz and as always as we move on to April, once more have my thanks for your continous support. I appreciate the hell out of you.

So, before we get into what I've been up to the monthly admin:


1. As previously announced I will be removing these sets from patreon come April 1st 2023 (so if not already happened, download them now)

Twelf vs Futa Barbarian
Violea vs Brodie
Siora vs Futa Goblin

2. I will be removing this set from patreon come May 1st 2023:

Halloween Shorts

3. I will edit the pinned post in here as soon as I create it on April 1st (HERE IT IS), that gives you an overview of which patreon sets are available and which have been sunset. Reminder: sunset sets can be requested via DM by tier 2 supporters at any time.

Now to the good part. What have I been up to?

I am in the process of moving in RL, so I have plenty of shit to do and find it kinda hard to focus on bigger projects, so I am all over the place and progressing a lot of things simultaniously, if not by much.

Patreon Exclusive Set for April:
Since you guys voted for Irene in the poll which girl should feature in the third mini-Virtual Seduction outing, I did a 22 image set of her going one on one with (the great one ...) the purple Fiend. I also gave her cat ears because I am weird like that.

Club D'Envie 2 (Production)
As mentioned I postponed the release of Club D'Envie 2 while I continue to make progress on it. I am roughly halfway through rendering the set and have even lettered some of them already. I also will bundle the three vampire hostess patreon sets into a commercial bundle and put them on the affect3d store later in April as "Club D'Envie Bite Sized".

Untitled Thief Set (Production)
To distract myself from the slow progress on Club D'Envie, I progressed a bit more with my yet to be named Thief set and I am very much enjoying the goofyness of it. As much fun as I am having doing the noir style over the top writing for CDE just being stupid and flippant is a welcome distraction.

Untitled Post Apocalyptic Setting (Pre-Production)
Also started exploring a bit the Mad-Max inspired setting I want to do eventually by drafting a couple of characters and doing a couple of target renders. It all still looks a bit too generic for my taste, I want it to be a bit more quirky (think borderlands without the cell-shading) to do my usual goofs. We will see how this goes forward.

Next Claire vs. Cyberpunk2034 set
V won the poll, so the next Cyberpunk set will feature Claire going one on one with V. Need to fix the lighting in the scene first though.

Next Ekfylia Set
The next Ekfylia story thing is Xea getting her comeupance and it's going to be a bit more chonky (and result in another redesign for Twelf as well as one for Xea). I am roughly 20 images deep and I think I most likely will come out at around 40 images. Once that set drops I will most likely bundle a timeline post on Slushe for people who want the entire "story" in one sitting. Also will take a break from the elves for a while (at least story wise) because I am starting to lose interest.

So yeah, that wraps it up for this month, if you have questions, comments drop me one below or reach out via DM. As mentioned I am currently moving places, so I might take a bit longer to come back to you than usual.

Cheers, Tai



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