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So, year is almost over and I am still in my "Have to get everything done for Nov, Dec and Jan mode.

So what has happened this month?

Exclusive December Patreon set: Melissa in Stocking Stuffer
You guys voted for Melissa to feature in the "Christmas set", so you'll get the 20ish image set of a creepy Christmas set on the 15th as usual.

Also ... you might wanna log into your patreon between Christmas and New Year's as there might be a  "Thank you" present waiting under the patreon tree (... I feel the metaphor got away from me there). 

MultipASS 2.0 and MultipASS interLEWD Double Release
Other than that a big part of November was spent getting the two releases ready. MultipASS interLEWD is going to be a 34 image freebie on the Affect3D store, as well as here on patreon. MultipASS 2.0 will be a commercial release (as usual you tier 2 guys get the first 20ish images of the 90+ image set here on patreon as well).
Both sets drop on December 8th.

And they have been quite a ride. Pretty much everything mixed in. RL trouble, hardware issues, NVIDIA and Daz working together to mess with artists and making dforce unusable unless you're on an outdated graphic chip driver.
Apart from that the usual issues, that assets either didn't work or looked shit and that my 2080TI by now isn't the fastest card around anymore, so the originally planned group scene had to be altered to a threesome in order to keep rendering times somewhat feasible.
Also a first for this set, when submitting it for approval with Affect3d, I received content alteration notes. Turns out there was too big of an element of "dubcon" in the set at first, which had to be re-flavored to be in line with content guidelines. I like to think that there are enough stupid jokes and overall over the top and stupidity in my sets to give the necessary context that nothing here is serious, but I guess they have to adhere to hard guidelines in order to keep their payment providers happy. Which is also the reason why the antagonist gets knocked out at the end of the set off screen, because I am not allowed to show violence while in the act (or even while naked) ... the more you know. Not being salty about this, as the tweaks were minor and primarily re-phrased lines and such, still an interesting experience and I wanted to mention it, because I promised to go a bit more in detail with these behind the scenes things.

MultipASS Bundle later
If you haven't picked up Multipass 1 and/or Chippin' In yet, you might want to skip Multipass 2.0 for now, as in January I will release the "Twitch Sci-Fi Bundle" which will offer Multipass New Beginnings, Multipass InterLEWD, Multipass 2.0 and the prequel Chippin' In at a discounted price point.
For most of you guys these bundles are probably boring, but they provide among the best and stable revenue stream a professional titty renderer can have, so I am always happy to do them.

So enough about money, what else happened?

A Day in the Life of Maria
First content for January (and then rolled out on Twitter over the course of February) is a fun little "Day in the Life" thing. Basically a render of Maria going through her day. Each render being an hour in the day from 6AM to 10PM. Lots of lewd stuff. Was a fun little thing to do as I needed to do sth non fantasy, sci-fi, horror for once again.

Rule34 Shenanigans
Apart from the ongoing Cyberpunk 2077 stuff, I am also back at doing some R34 stuff. Mainly Resident Evil, some Final Fantasy stuff and slowly going through the backlog of ripped models to see which ones are usable. So there will be plenty of one-offs probably starting January.

Next story thing in the Ekfylia Arc featuring Xea
Did that thing as well ... all I can say is, I am so sorry Brodie. Y'all see.

So I am almost at my goal to have all the December and January stuff done before I fuck off in between the years. Need to get the Patreon set for January done and then I can either relax (haha ... who am I kidding) or start prepping the next commercial sets ...

Anyways, hopefully some fun stuff for you guys in this Behind the Scenes.
As always feedback and questions in the comments are encouraged.




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