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Hi all and welcome to the monthly look behind the scenes.
September was a good example for why I have a couple of months worth of backlog, because early in the month I spent a couple of days in the hospital and about a week or so after in bed, not allowed to sit up. So during that time naturally I didn't get much shit done. Don't worry I am mostly fine now. Most likely will have to go have another surgery later this year, but it shouldn't put me out of commission for long.

As for what is going on:

Starting October this patreon will switch to Charge Upfront Billing. Meaning you guys will be charged at the beginning of the month not at the end. The reasoning behind this is that we had a couple of patreon tourists here that initially subscribe, unsubscribe before the monthly billing and then resubscribe again enjoying the perks without having to pay and quite frankly, given that this patreon is considerable additional effort on my part, I feel a bit taken advantage of. I am aware most of you didn't do this but as with most things in life, a couple of assholes ruin it for everyone else ... I wish I didn't have to do this, but at the end of the day I also want to get paid for my work. There will also be a separate announcement so that the Tier 1 patreons also get a heads-up.

The unpleasantness aside, let's get to the reason you are actually here:

Next month's tier 2 patreon set will be the full 75 img Halloween set which non patreons will also be able to pick up via the affect3d store. Both, tier 2 patreons as well as affect3d store customers will have access to the set starting October 6th.

Now for things still in flux:

I've been messing around a bit with some stuff regarding the Ekfylia "main story". You'll be introduced to Twelf's evil sister Xea soon (October 10th as it is scheduled now) and I am trying to figure out where I am going with this. Idea is small narrative sets of max. 10 images (similar to the "Twelfening") to setup possibilities for gonzo sets. Also Ekfylia main story will ALWAYS be free now. Any and all Ekfylia sets that will be premium going forth will either be inconsequential to the main story or have no story at all. So since Xea is very much a domme she needs some minions (e.g. the bunny fella in the images ;) )

Also done the free Multipass 1.5 thingy that will be for free on Affect3dstore (as well as for you guys here at patreon in addition to the monthly set in December). Rendering is done, need to letter and post process though. It's gonna be called Multipass: Interlewd and will feature Mike and the alien ambassador "negotiating" about critical information as to where Twitch might find answers as to why she was taken and imprisoned.

Haven't started rendering Multipass 2 yet (which will be released as a premium set at the same time to Interlewd) but I have finished the character roster.
Currently planning to finish Interlewd as well as at least posing all renders for Multipass 2 by the end of October, but we will see how I am doing healthwise

And that's the behind the scenes thingy for September. There you go.
As always thank you for the continued support and cya next time around.




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